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put it on my bill

  • 1 put it on my bill, please

    benim hesabıma yazın lütfen

    English-Turkish dictionary > put it on my bill, please

  • 2 put it on my bill, please

    benim hesabıma yazın lütfen

    English-Turkish dictionary > put it on my bill, please

  • 3 to put smth on the bill

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to put smth on the bill

  • 4 bill

    bill [bɪl]
    1 noun
    (a) (for gas, telephone) facture f, note f; (for product) facture f; British (in restaurant) addition f, note f; (in hotel) note f;
    to pay a bill payer ou régler une facture;
    to foot the bill payer la note ou les dépenses;
    to make out a bill dresser ou rédiger une facture;
    may I have the bill please? l'addition, s'il vous plaît;
    have you paid the telephone bill? as-tu payé le téléphone?;
    put it on my bill mettez-le sur ma note
    (b) Law (draft of law) projet m de loi;
    Parliament to introduce a bill in Parliament présenter un projet de loi au Parlement;
    to vote on a bill mettre un projet de loi au vote;
    to pass/reject a bill adopter/repousser un projet de loi
    (c) (poster) affiche f, placard m;
    (stick) no bills! défense d'afficher;
    (d) Theatre affiche f;
    to head or to top the bill être en tête d'affiche ou en vedette
    (e) (list, statement) liste f;
    (f) Commerce & Finance (promissory note) effet m (de commerce), traite f;
    bill made out to bearer effet au porteur
    (g) American (banknote) billet m (de banque);
    a ten-dollar bill un billet de dix dollars
    (i) Geography promontoire m, bec m
    (j) History (weapon) hallebarde f
    (k) (billhook) serpe f, serpette f
    he bills his company for his travel expenses il se fait rembourser ses frais de voyage par son entreprise;
    bill me for the newspaper at the end of the month envoyez-moi la facture pour le journal à la fin du mois
    (b) (advertise) annoncer;
    they're billed as the best band in the world on les présente comme le meilleur groupe du monde
    (c) Theatre mettre à l'affiche, annoncer;
    he is billed to appear as Cyrano il est à l'affiche dans le rôle de Cyrano
    to bill and coo (birds) se becqueter; (people) roucouler
    ►► Law bill of attainder décret m de mort civile;
    Finance bill book livre m d'échéance;
    Finance bill broker agent m ou courtier(ère) m,f de change;
    Finance bills for collection effets mpl à l'encaissement;
    Finance bills for collection form formulaire m d'encaissement;
    Finance bill collector agent m de recouvrement;
    Finance bill discounter agent m ou courtier(ère) m,f de change;
    Customs bill of entry déclaration f d'entrée (en douane);
    Finance bill of exchange lettre f de change, effet m de commerce;
    bills of exchange statement lettre f de change relevé, LCR f;
    bill of fare carte f (du jour);
    bills in hand effets mpl en portefeuille;
    Nautical bill of health patente f (de santé);
    familiar the doctor gave him a clean bill of health le médecin l'a trouvé en parfaite santé ;
    familiar the investigators gave the engine a clean bill of health les enquêteurs ont conclu que le moteur était en parfait état ;
    Law bill of indictment acte m d'accusation;
    Commerce bill of lading connaissement m;
    bill payable at sight effet m payable à vue ou à présentation;
    bills payable effets mpl à payer;
    bills payable ledger livre m ou journal m des effets à payer;
    bills receivable effets mpl à recevoir;
    bills receivable ledger livre m ou journal m des effets à recevoir;
    the Bill of Rights British History = loi de 1689 déterminant les droits du citoyen anglais; American = les dix premiers amendements à la Constitution américaine garantissant, entre autres droits, la liberté d'expression, de religion et de réunion;
    bill of sale acte m ou contrat m de vente;
    Finance bill 'without protest' traite f 'sans frais'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > bill

  • 5 bill

    bill [bɪl]
    1. noun
    could I have the bill please (British) l'addition (or la note) s'il vous plaît
       b. (US) ( = banknote) billet m (de banque)
       c. ( = law) projet m de loi
       d. ( = poster) affiche f
       e. [of bird] bec m
    Ensemble des dix premiers amendements ajoutés à la Constitution américaine en 1791 et qui définissent les droits individuels des citoyens et les pouvoirs respectifs du gouvernement fédéral et des États. Ainsi le premier amendement garantit la liberté de culte et de réunion et la liberté de la presse, le second le droit au port d'armes, le sixième le droit à un procès équitable. → FIFTH AMENDMENT
    * * *
    [bɪl] 1.
    1) Commerce ( in restaurant) addition f; (for maintenance, electricity etc) facture f; (from hotel, doctor, dentist) note f

    gas/telephone bill — facture f de gaz/de téléphone

    a bill for £10 — une note or facture de 10 livres

    2) Law, Politics ( law) (also Bill) projet m de loi
    3) ( poster) affiche f

    to top the billTheatre être en tête d'affiche

    ‘stick no bills’ — ‘défense d'afficher’

    4) US ( banknote) billet m (de banque)
    5) Zoology ( beak) bec m
    1) gen, Commerce faire une facture à [person, company]
    2) gen, Theatre ( advertise)

    to be billed as... — [event, meeting] être annoncé comme étant...


    to fit ou fill the bill — faire l'affaire

    to give somebody/something a clean bill of health — lit trouver quelqu'un/quelque chose en parfait état de santé; fig blanchir quelqu'un/quelque chose

    English-French dictionary > bill

  • 6 bill

    A n
    1 Comm ( for payment) ( in restaurant) addition f ; (for maintenance, electricity etc) facture f ; (from hotel, doctor, dentist etc) note f ; electricity/gas/telephone bill facture f or note f d'électricité/de gaz/de téléphone ; he gave me a bill for £10 il m'a donné une note or facture de 10 livres ; he gave me a bill for repairing the car il m'a donné une note or facture pour la réparation de la voiture ; he gave me a bill for the work/the damage il m'a facturé le travail/les dégâts ; to pay/settle a bill payer/régler une note or facture or addition ; to make out a bill établir une note or facture ; put it on the bill, please mettez-le sur ma note s'il vous plaît ;
    2 Jur, Pol ( law) ( also Bill) projet m de loi ; Education/Employment Bill projet m de loi pour l'éducation/l'emploi ; to pass/defeat a bill adopter/rejeter un projet de loi ;
    3 ( poster) affiche f ; to be on the bill être à l'affiche ; to be top of the bill, to top the bill être en tête d'affiche ; ‘stick no bills’ ‘défense d'afficher’ ;
    4 US ( banknote) billet m (de banque) ; dollar/ten dollar bill billet m d'un dollar/de dix dollars ;
    5 Zool ( beak) bec m ;
    6 Fin ( promise to pay) billet m à ordre ;
    7 Geog ( promontory) promontoire m.
    B vtr
    1 ( send demand for payment) faire une facture à [person, company] ; to bill sb for sth facturer qch à qn ; to bill sb for doing faire une facture à qn pour avoir fait ; he billed me for repairing the car il m'a fait une facture pour la réparation de la voiture ;
    2 Theat, gen ( advertise) to be billed as… [event, entertainment, meeting] être annoncé comme étant… ; the show was billed as a musical comedy le spectacle était affiché comme étant une comédie musicale ; he is billed to appear at the Odeon/in ‘Hamlet’/as Hamlet il est à l'affiche à l'Odéon/de ‘Hamlet’/dans le rôle de Hamlet.
    to fit ou fill the bill faire l'affaire ; to give sb/sth a clean bill of health lit trouver qn/qch en parfait état de santé ; fig blanchir qn/qch. ⇒ coo.

    Big English-French dictionary > bill

  • 7 Bill

    1. bill [bɪl] n
    1) ( invoice) Rechnung f;
    could we have the \Bill, please? wir möchten bitte zahlen, zahlen bitte!;
    put it on my \Bill setzen Sie das auf meine Rechnung;
    to foot the \Bill die Rechnung bezahlen [o ( geh) begleichen];
    2) (Am) ( bank note) Geldschein m, Banknote f;
    [one-]dollar \Bill Dollarschein m, Dollarnote f
    3) ( proposed law) Gesetzentwurf m, Gesetzesvorlage f;
    to amend a \Bill ( change) eine Gesetzesvorlage [o einen Gesetzentwurf] abändern;
    ( add) eine Gesetzesvorlage [o einen Gesetzentwurf] ergänzen;
    to pass a \Bill ein Gesetz verabschieden;
    to throw out a \Bill ( fam) ein Gesetz ablehnen
    4) ( placard) Plakat nt;
    “stick no \Bills” „Plakate ankleben verboten“
    5) ( list of celebrities) Besetzungsliste f;
    to top [or head] the \Bill der Star des Abends sein
    to fit the \Bill der/die/das Richtige [o Passende] sein vt
    1) ( invoice)
    to \Bill sb jdm eine Rechnung ausstellen;
    to \Bill sb for sth jdm etw in Rechnung stellen, jdm etw berechnen
    to be \Billed angekündigt werden
    2. bill [bɪl] n of bird Schnabel m vi
    to \Bill and coo ( hum) [miteinander] turteln
    3. Bill [bɪl] n
    no pl ( Brit) (sl);
    the [old] \Bill die Polente (sl)

    English-German students dictionary > Bill

  • 8 bill

    1. bill [bɪl] n
    1) ( invoice) Rechnung f;
    could we have the \bill, please? wir möchten bitte zahlen, zahlen bitte!;
    put it on my \bill setzen Sie das auf meine Rechnung;
    to foot the \bill die Rechnung bezahlen [o ( geh) begleichen];
    2) (Am) ( bank note) Geldschein m, Banknote f;
    [one-]dollar \bill Dollarschein m, Dollarnote f
    3) ( proposed law) Gesetzentwurf m, Gesetzesvorlage f;
    to amend a \bill ( change) eine Gesetzesvorlage [o einen Gesetzentwurf] abändern;
    ( add) eine Gesetzesvorlage [o einen Gesetzentwurf] ergänzen;
    to pass a \bill ein Gesetz verabschieden;
    to throw out a \bill ( fam) ein Gesetz ablehnen
    4) ( placard) Plakat nt;
    “stick no \bills” „Plakate ankleben verboten“
    5) ( list of celebrities) Besetzungsliste f;
    to top [or head] the \bill der Star des Abends sein
    to fit the \bill der/die/das Richtige [o Passende] sein vt
    1) ( invoice)
    to \bill sb jdm eine Rechnung ausstellen;
    to \bill sb for sth jdm etw in Rechnung stellen, jdm etw berechnen
    to be \billed angekündigt werden
    2. bill [bɪl] n of bird Schnabel m vi
    to \bill and coo ( hum) [miteinander] turteln
    3. Bill [bɪl] n
    no pl ( Brit) (sl);
    the [old] \bill die Polente (sl)

    English-German students dictionary > bill

  • 9 put

    1. transitive verb,
    -tt-, put
    1) (place) tun; (vertically) stellen; (horizontally) legen; (through or into narrow opening) stecken

    don't put your elbows on the tablelass deine Ellbogen vom Tisch

    put the letter in an envelope/the letter box — den Brief in einen Umschlag/in den Briefkasten stecken

    put something in one's pocketetwas in die Tasche stecken

    put sugar in one's teasich (Dat.) Zucker in den Tee tun

    put the car in[to] the garage — das Auto in die Garage stellen

    put the cork in the bottledie Flasche mit dem Korken verschließen

    put the ball into the net/over the bar — den Ball ins Netz befördern od. setzen/über die Latte befördern

    put a bandage round one's wristsich (Dat.) einen Verband ums Handgelenk legen

    put one's hands over one's eyessich (Dat.) die Hände auf die Augen legen

    put one's finger to one's lipsden od. seinen Finger auf die Lippen legen

    where shall I put it?wohin soll ich es tun (ugs.) /stellen/legen usw.?; wo soll ich es hintun (ugs.) /-stellen/-legen usw.?

    not know where to put oneself(fig.) sehr verlegen sein/werden

    put it there!(coll.) lass mich deine Hand schütteln!

    2) (cause to enter) stoßen
    3) (bring into specified state) setzen

    put through Parliamentim Parlament durchbringen [Gesetzentwurf usw.]

    be put in a difficult etc. position — in eine schwierige usw. Lage geraten

    be put into poweran die Macht kommen

    put something above or before something — (fig.) einer Sache (Dat.) den Vorrang vor etwas (Dat.) geben

    put somebody on to something(fig.) jemanden auf etwas (Akk.) hinweisen od. aufmerksam machen

    put somebody on to a job(assign) jemandem eine Arbeit zuweisen

    4) (impose)

    put a limit/an interpretation on something — etwas begrenzen od. beschränken/interpretieren

    5) (submit) unterbreiten (to Dat.) [Vorschlag, Plan usw.]

    put something to the voteüber etwas (Akk.) abstimmen lassen

    6) (cause to go or do)
    7) (express) ausdrücken

    let's put it like this:... — sagen wir so:...

    that's one way of putting it(also iron.) so kann man es [natürlich] auch ausdrücken

    8) (render)

    put something into Englishetwas ins Englische übertragen od. übersetzen

    9) (write) schreiben

    put something on the list(fig.) sich (Dat.) etwas [fest] vornehmen; etwas vormerken

    10) (imagine)

    put oneself in somebody's place or situation — sich in jemandes Lage versetzen

    11) (invest)

    put money etc. into something — Geld usw. in etwas (Akk.) stecken

    put work/time/effort into something — Arbeit/Zeit/Energie in etwas (Akk.) stecken

    12) (stake) setzen (on auf + Akk.)

    put money on a horse/on something happening — auf ein Pferd setzen/darauf wetten, dass etwas passiert

    13) (estimate)

    put somebody/something at — jemanden/etwas schätzen auf (+ Akk.)

    14) (subject)

    put somebody tojemandem [Unkosten, Mühe, Umstände] verursachen od. machen

    15) (Athletics): (throw) stoßen [Kugel]
    2. intransitive verb,
    -tt-, put (Naut.)

    put [out] to sea — in See stechen

    put into port — [in den Hafen] einlaufen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/59262/put_about">put about
    * * *
    present participle - putting; verb
    1) (to place in a certain position or situation: He put the plate in the cupboard; Did you put any sugar in my coffee?; He put his arm round her; I'm putting a new lock on the door; You're putting too much strain on that rope; When did the Russians first put a man into space?; You've put me in a bad temper; Can you put (=translate) this sentence into French?)
    2) (to submit or present (a proposal, question etc): I put several questions to him; She put her ideas before the committee.) formulieren
    3) (to express in words: He put his refusal very politely; Children sometimes have such a funny way of putting things!) ausdrücken
    4) (to write down: I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put.) schreiben
    5) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.) fahren
    - put-on
    - a put-up job
    - put about
    - put across/over
    - put aside
    - put away
    - put back
    - put by
    - put down
    - put down for
    - put one's feet up
    - put forth
    - put in
    - put in for
    - put off
    - put on
    - put out
    - put through
    - put together
    - put up
    - put up to
    - put up with
    * * *
    <-tt-, put, put>
    to \put sth somewhere etw irgendwohin stellen [o setzen]; (lay down) etw irgendwohin legen; (push in) etw irgendwohin stecken
    they \put a horseshoe above [or over] their door sie brachten ein Hufeisen über ihrer Tür an
    he was \put up against the wall man stellte ihn an die Wand
    he looked at the pile of work his boss had \put before him er sah sich den Haufen Arbeit an, den seine Chefin ihm hingelegt hatte
    you've got to \put the past behind you du musst die Vergangenheit vergangen seinlassen [o begraben]
    \put your clothes in the closet häng deine Kleider in den Schrank
    he \put his hands in his pockets er steckte die Hände in die Taschen
    she \put some milk in her coffee sie gab etwas Milch in ihren Kaffee
    to \put the ball in the net (tennis) den Ball ins Netz schlagen; (football) den Ball ins Netz spielen
    this \puts me in a very difficult position das bringt mich in eine schwierige Situation
    I \put my complete confidence in him ich setze mein volles Vertrauen auf ihn [o in ihn]
    to \put oneself in sb's place [or position] [or shoes] sich akk in jds Situation versetzen
    \put the cake into the oven schieb den Kuchen in den Backofen
    they \put the plug into the socket sie steckten den Stecker in die Steckdose
    he \put salt into the sugar bowl by mistake er hat aus Versehen Salz in die Zuckerdose gefüllt
    they \put him into a cell sie brachten ihn in eine Zelle
    to \put sth into storage etw einlagern
    to \put a child into care ein Kind in Pflege geben
    to \put sb into a home jdn in ein Heim stecken
    to \put sb in[to] prison jdn ins Gefängnis bringen
    to \put fear into sb's heart jdn ängstigen, jdm Angst machen
    to \put an idea in[to] sb's head jdn auf eine Idee bringen
    whatever \put that idea into your head? wie kommst du denn darauf?
    to \put one's ideas into practice seine Ideen in die Praxis umsetzen
    Sam will eat anything you \put in front of him Sam isst alles, was man ihm vorsetzt
    \put the soup spoons next to the knives leg die Suppenlöffel neben die Messer
    we should \put my mum next to Mrs Larson wir sollten meine Mutter neben Frau Larson setzen
    she \put her coffee cup on the table sie stellte ihre Kaffeetasse auf den Tisch
    do you know how to \put a saddle on a horse? weißt du, wie man ein Pferd sattelt?
    I \put clean sheets on the bed ich habe das Bett frisch bezogen
    he \put his head on my shoulder er legte seinen Kopf auf meine Schulter
    you can't \put a value on friendship Freundschaft lässt sich nicht mit Geld bezahlen
    to \put the emphasis on sth den Schwerpunkt auf etw akk legen, etw betonen
    a price of £10,000 was \put on the car das Auto wurde mit 10.000 Pfund veranschlagt
    she \put her arm round him sie legte ihren Arm um ihn
    he \put his head round the door er steckte den Kopf zur Tür herein
    he \put his finger to his lips to call for silence er hielt seinen Finger vor die Lippen und bat um Ruhe
    to \put a glass to one's lips ein Glas zum Mund führen
    she \put the shell to her ear sie hielt sich die Muschel ans Ohr
    to \put sb to bed jdn ins Bett bringen
    he was \put under the care of his aunt er wurde in die Obhut seiner Tante gegeben
    I didn't know where to \put myself ich wusste nicht wohin mit mir
    to \put sb/sth in jeopardy jdn/etw in Gefahr bringen
    to \put sb in a rage jdn wütend machen
    this \puts me in a very difficult position das bringt mich in eine sehr schwierige Situation
    he was able to \put them in a good mood er konnte sie aufheitern
    to stay \put person sich nicht von der Stelle rühren; object liegen/stehen/hängen bleiben; hair halten
    \put it there! (congratulating) gratuliere!; (concluding a deal) abgemacht!
    to \put the shot SPORT Kugel stoßen
    to \put effort/energy/money/time into sth Mühe/Energie/Geld/Zeit in etw akk stecken [o investieren]
    we \put most of the profits towards research wir verwenden den Großteil der Gewinne für die Forschung
    everyone could \put £3 towards a new coffee machine jeder könnte 3 Pfund zum Kauf einer neuen Kaffeemaschine dazugeben
    to \put money into an account Geld auf ein Konto einzahlen
    she \put money on a horse sie setzte auf ein Pferd
    we \put back all our profits into the company all unsere Gewinne fließen in die Firma zurück
    to \put the blame on sb jdm die Schuld geben
    to \put sb to great cost [or expense] jdn viel kosten, jdm große Ausgaben verursachen
    to \put demands upon sb von jdm etwas verlangen
    to \put an embargo on sth ein Embargo über etw akk verhängen
    to \put an embargo on trade ein Handelsembargo verhängen
    to \put faith [or trust] in sth sein Vertrauen in etw akk setzen
    to \put the heat [or screws] on sb for sth (sl) jdm wegen einer S. gen die Hölle heißmachen fam
    to \put sb under oath jdn vereidigen
    to \put a premium on sth etw hoch einschätzen
    to \put pressure on sb jdn unter Druck setzen
    to \put sb under pressure [or strain] jdn unter Druck setzen
    to \put a restriction [or limitation] on sth etw einschränken
    to \put a spell [or curse] on sb jdn verwünschen [o verfluchen]
    the children were \put on their best behaviour den Kindern wurde gesagt, dass sie sich ja gut zu benehmen haben
    to \put a tax on sth etw besteuern [o mit einer Steuer belegen]
    to \put sb/sth to the test jdn/etw auf die Probe stellen; (put a strain on) jdn/etw strapazieren
    to \put sb on trial jdn vor Gericht bringen
    to \put sb to a lot of trouble jdm viel Mühe bereiten [o machen
    to \put a case to [or before] a judge einen Fall vor Gericht bringen
    to \put sth to a discussion etw zur Diskussion stellen
    to \put an idea [or a suggestion] to sb jdm etw vorschlagen
    to \put one's point of view seinen Standpunkt darlegen
    to \put a problem to sb jdm ein Problem darlegen
    to \put a proposal before a committee einem Ausschuss einen Vorschlag unterbreiten
    to \put a question to sb jdm eine Frage stellen
    to \put sth to a vote etw zur Abstimmung bringen
    5. (include)
    to \put sth in[to] sth etw in etw akk o dat aufnehmen, etw in etw akk einfügen
    to \put sth on the agenda etw auf die Tagesordnung setzen; FOOD (add)
    \put some more salt in füge noch etwas Salz hinzu
    6. (indicating change of condition)
    she always \puts her guests at ease right away sie schafft es immer, dass ihre Gäste sich sofort wohl fühlen
    to \put sb at risk [or in danger] jdn in Gefahr bringen
    to \put sb in a good/bad mood jds Laune heben/verderben
    to \put one's affairs in order seine Angelegenheiten in Ordnung bringen
    to \put a plan into operation einen Plan in die Tat umsetzen
    to \put sth out of order etw kaputtmachen fam
    to \put sb/an animal out of his/its misery jdn/ein Tier von seinen Qualen erlösen
    to \put sb to death jdn hinrichten
    to \put sb to flight jdn in die Flucht schlagen
    to \put sb to shame jdn beschämen
    to \put a stop [or an end] to sth etw beenden
    to \put sb under arrest jdn unter Arrest stellen
    to \put sb under hypnosis jdn hypnotisieren
    to \put sth right etw in Ordnung bringen
    to \put sb straight jdn korrigieren
    to \put sb out of the competition jdn aus dem Rennen werfen
    to \put sth etw ausdrücken
    let me \put it this way lass es mich so sagen
    how should I \put it? wie soll ich mich ausdrücken?
    to \put it bluntly um es deutlich zu sagen
    to \put it mildly, we were shocked at your behaviour wir waren, gelinde gesagt, geschockt über dein Verhalten
    that's \putting it mildly das ist ja noch milde ausgedrückt
    as Shakespeare \put it wie Shakespeare schon sagte
    she didn't know how to \put her thoughts into words sie wusste nicht, wie sie ihre Gedanken in Worte fassen sollte
    \putting Shakespeare into modern English is difficult Shakespeare in zeitgenössisches Englisch zu übertragen ist schwierig
    she really \puts passion into her performance sie steckt viel Leidenschaftlichkeit in ihren Vortrag
    to \put one's feelings into words seine Gefühle ausdrücken
    to \put a verb into the past tense ein Verb in die Vergangenheit setzen
    to \put a cross/tick next to sth etw ankreuzen/abhaken
    to \put one's signature to sth seine Unterschrift unter etw setzen
    please \put your signature here bitte unterschreiben Sie hier
    9. (estimate, value)
    I wouldn't \put him among the best film directors ich würde ihn nicht zu den besten Regisseuren zählen
    she \puts her job above everything else für sie geht ihr Beruf allem anderen vor, sie stellt ihren Beruf vor allem anderen
    to \put sb/sth at sth jdn/etw auf etw akk schätzen
    I'd \put him at about 50 ich schätze ihn auf ungefähr 50
    to \put sb/sth in sth jdn/etw in etw akk einordnen
    I would \put her in her 50s ich würde sie so in den Fünfzigern schätzen
    to \put sb/sth in a category jdn/etw in eine Kategorie einordnen
    it can't be \put in the same category as a Rolls Royce man kann es nicht auf eine Stufe mit einem Rolls Royce stellen
    to \put sb/sth on a level [or par] with sb/sth jdn/etw auf eine Stufe mit jdm/etw stellen
    to \put a value of £10,000 on sth den Wert einer S. gen auf 10.000 Pfund schätzen
    10. (direct)
    to \put sb onto sth/sb jdn auf etw/jdn aufmerksam machen
    the phone book \put me onto the dentist durch das Telefonbuch kam ich auf den Zahnarzt
    they \put three people on the job sie setzen drei Leute ein für diesen Job
    to \put sb to do sth [or doing sth] jdn abordnen, etw zu tun
    11. (see someone off)
    to \put sb on sth jdn zu etw dat bringen
    he \put his girlfriend on the plane er brachte seine Freundin zum Flugzeug
    to \put sb onto the bus jdn zum Bus bringen
    to \put sb in a taxi jdn in ein Taxi setzen
    12. (install)
    to \put sth into sth MECH etw in etw akk einsetzen
    to \put heating/a kitchen into a house eine Heizung/Küche in einem Haus installieren
    we \put a new hard drive on our computer wir haben eine neue Festplatte in unseren Computer eingebaut
    to \put sb on sth jdm etw verschreiben
    the doctor has \put her on a strict diet der Arzt hat ihr eine strenge Diät verordnet
    NAUT anlegen, vor Anker gehen
    to \put into the dock am Dock anlegen, vor Anker gehen
    to \put into Hamburg/harbour in Hamburg/in den Hafen einlaufen
    to \put to sea in See stechen
    STOCKEX Verkaufsoption f
    * * *
    put [pʊt]
    A s
    2. Börse: Rückprämie f (beim Prämiengeschäft): put and call (option)
    B adj stay put umg sich nicht (vom Fleck) rühren
    C v/t prät und pperf put
    1. legen, stellen, setzen, tun:
    put it on the table leg es auf den Tisch;
    I shall put the matter before him ich werde ihm die Sache vorlegen;
    put the matter in(to) his hands leg die Angelegenheit in seine Hände;
    I put him above his brother ich stelle ihn über seinen Bruder;
    put sb on a job jemanden an eine Arbeit setzen, jemanden mit einer Arbeit betrauen;
    put eleven men behind the ball FUSSB die ganze Mannschaft defensiv spielen lassen;
    his time put him in 3rd place SPORT seine Zeit brachte ihn auf den 3. Platz; a. die Verbindungen mit den entsprechenden Substantiven
    2. stecken (in one’s pocket in die Tasche):
    put a lot of work into viel Arbeit stecken in (akk)
    3. jemanden ins Bett, in eine unangenehme Lage etc, etwas auf den Markt, in Ordnung etc bringen:
    he put her across the river er brachte oder beförderte sie über den Fluss;
    put the cow to the bull die Kuh zum Stier bringen;
    put into shape in (die richtige) Form bringen;
    put sth on paper etwas zu Papier bringen; mind A 2, right A 5
    4. etwas in Kraft, in Umlauf, in Gang etc, jemanden in Besitz, ins Unrecht, über ein Land etc setzen:
    put o.s. in a good light sich ins rechte Licht setzen;
    put the case that … gesetzt den Fall, dass …; action 1, 2, end Bes Redew, foot A 1, place A 3, trust A 1
    5. put o.s. sich in jemandes Hände etc begeben:
    put o.s. under sb’s care sich in jemandes Obhut begeben;
    put yourself in(to) my hands vertraue dich mir ganz an
    6. unterwerfen, aussetzen ( beide:
    to dat):
    I have put you through a lot ich habe dir viel zugemutet; death 1, expense Bes Redew, inconvenience A 2, question A 6, shame A 2, sword, test1 A 2
    7. put out of aus … hinausstellen, verdrängen oder werfen aus, außer Betrieb od Gefecht etc setzen: action 13, running A 2
    8. Land bepflanzen (into, under mit) the fields were put under potatoes auf den Feldern wurden Kartoffeln gepflanzt
    9. (to) setzen (an akk), (an)treiben oder drängen oder zwingen (zu):
    put sb to work jemanden an die Arbeit setzen, jemanden arbeiten lassen;
    put to school zur Schule schicken;
    put to trade jemanden ein Handwerk lernen lassen;
    put sb to a joiner jemanden bei einem Schreiner in die Lehre geben;
    put the horse to ( oder at) the fence das Pferd zum Sprung über den Zaun antreiben;
    put sb to it jemandem zusetzen, jemanden bedrängen;
    be hard put to it arg bedrängt werden, in große Bedrängnis kommen;
    they were hard put to it to find a house sie taten sich schwer, ein Haus zu finden;
    put sb through a book jemanden zum Durchlesen oder -arbeiten eines Buches zwingen;
    put sb through it jemanden auf Herz und Nieren prüfen; blush B 1, flight2, pace1 A 5
    10. veranlassen, verlocken ( beide:
    on, to zu)
    11. in Furcht, Wut etc versetzen:
    put sb in fear of their life jemandem eine Todesangst einjagen; countenance A 2, ease A 2, guard C 4, mettle 2, temper A 4
    12. übersetzen, -tragen ( beide:
    into French ins Französische)
    13. (un)klar etc ausdrücken, klug etc formulieren, in Worte fassen:
    I cannot put it into words ich kann es nicht in Worte fassen;
    put one’s feelings into words seine Gefühle aussprechen;
    how shall I put it? wie soll ich mich oder es ausdrücken?;
    put another way anders gesagt oder ausgedrückt, mit anderen Worten; mild 1
    14. schätzen (at auf akk):
    I put his income at £100,000 a year
    15. (to) verwenden (für), anwenden (zu):
    put sth to a good use etwas gut verwenden
    16. eine Entscheidung etc gründen (on auf akk)
    17. eine Frage, einen Antrag etc stellen, vorlegen:
    a) ich appelliere an Sie, ich wende mich an Sie,
    b) ich stelle es Ihnen anheim;
    I put it to you that … besonders JUR ich halte Ihnen vor, dass …; geben Sie zu, dass …
    18. Geld setzen, wetten ( beide:
    on auf akk)
    19. (into) Geld stecken (in akk), anlegen (in dat), investieren (in dat)
    20. (on) eine Steuer etc auferlegen (dat), legen (auf akk):
    put a tax on sth etwas besteuern
    21. die Schuld zuschieben, geben ( beide:
    on dat)
    22. die Uhr stellen
    23. (in, into) hinzufügen (dat), (hinein)tun, geben (in akk):
    put sugar in one’s coffee Zucker in seinen Kaffee tun
    24. besonders SPORT die Kugel, den Stein stoßen
    25. schleudern, werfen
    26. eine Waffe stoßen, eine Kugel schießen ( beide:
    in, into in akk)
    27. put one across sb umg jemanden drankriegen oder reinlegen
    D v/i
    1. sich begeben, fahren, gehen, besonders eilen ( alle:
    for nach):
    put to land an Land gehen;
    put for home US umg sich heimtrollen; sea 1
    2. SCHIFF segeln, steuern, fahren
    3. US münden, sich ergießen, fließen ( alle:
    into in akk)
    a) jemandem zusetzen, jemanden bedrängen,
    b) jemanden ausnutzen, -nützen,
    c) jemanden betrügen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    -tt-, put

    put the letter in an envelope/the letter box — den Brief in einen Umschlag/in den Briefkasten stecken

    put sugar in one's teasich (Dat.) Zucker in den Tee tun

    put the car in[to] the garage — das Auto in die Garage stellen

    put the ball into the net/over the bar — den Ball ins Netz befördern od. setzen/über die Latte befördern

    put a bandage round one's wristsich (Dat.) einen Verband ums Handgelenk legen

    put one's hands over one's eyessich (Dat.) die Hände auf die Augen legen

    put one's finger to one's lipsden od. seinen Finger auf die Lippen legen

    where shall I put it?wohin soll ich es tun (ugs.) /stellen/legen usw.?; wo soll ich es hintun (ugs.) /-stellen/-legen usw.?

    not know where to put oneself(fig.) sehr verlegen sein/werden

    put it there!(coll.) lass mich deine Hand schütteln!

    2) (cause to enter) stoßen

    be put in a difficult etc. position — in eine schwierige usw. Lage geraten

    put something above or before something — (fig.) einer Sache (Dat.) den Vorrang vor etwas (Dat.) geben

    put somebody on to something(fig.) jemanden auf etwas (Akk.) hinweisen od. aufmerksam machen

    put somebody on to a job (assign) jemandem eine Arbeit zuweisen

    put a limit/an interpretation on something — etwas begrenzen od. beschränken/interpretieren

    5) (submit) unterbreiten (to Dat.) [Vorschlag, Plan usw.]

    put something to the voteüber etwas (Akk.) abstimmen lassen

    7) (express) ausdrücken

    let's put it like this:... — sagen wir so:...

    that's one way of putting it(also iron.) so kann man es [natürlich] auch ausdrücken

    9) (write) schreiben

    put something on the list(fig.) sich (Dat.) etwas [fest] vornehmen; etwas vormerken

    put oneself in somebody's place or situation — sich in jemandes Lage versetzen

    put money etc. into something — Geld usw. in etwas (Akk.) stecken

    put work/time/effort into something — Arbeit/Zeit/Energie in etwas (Akk.) stecken

    12) (stake) setzen (on auf + Akk.)

    put money on a horse/on something happening — auf ein Pferd setzen/darauf wetten, dass etwas passiert

    put somebody/something at — jemanden/etwas schätzen auf (+ Akk.)

    put somebody tojemandem [Unkosten, Mühe, Umstände] verursachen od. machen

    15) (Athletics): (throw) stoßen [Kugel]
    2. intransitive verb,
    -tt-, put (Naut.)

    put [out] to sea — in See stechen

    put into port — [in den Hafen] einlaufen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (clamp) the lid on something (US) expr.
    gegen etwas scharf vorgehen ausdr.
    sperren v. (take) into care expr.
    in Pflege geben (nehmen) ausdr. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: put)
    = ausgeben v.
    legen v.
    setzen v.
    stellen v.

    English-german dictionary > put

  • 10 bill

    I noun
    (a bird's beak: a bird with a yellow bill.) pico

    1. noun
    1) (an account of money owed for goods etc: an electricity bill.)
    2) ((American) a banknote: a five-dollar bill.) factura, cuenta
    3) (a poster used for advertising.) billete

    2. verb
    (to send an account (to someone): We'll bill you next month for your purchases.) facturar
    - billfold
    - fill the bill

    bill n
    1. cuenta
    could we have the bill please? ¿nos trae la cuenta por favor?
    2. factura / recibo
    have you paid the gas bill? ¿has pagado el recibo del gas?
    3. billete
    Este uso de bill es propio del inglés americano, en inglés británico se dice note
    4. proyecto de ley
    5. cartel / anuncio
    "Stick no bills" "Prohibido fijar carteles"
    6. pico
    1 (William) Guillermo
    the Old Bill SMALLBRITISH ENGLISH/SMALL slang la bofia, la pasma
    bill ['bɪl] vt
    : pasarle la cuenta a
    bill vi
    : acariciar
    to bill and coo: acariciarse
    bill n
    1) law: proyecto m de ley, ley f
    2) invoice: cuenta f, factura f
    3) poster: cartel m
    4) program: programa m(del teatro)
    5) : billete m
    a five-dollar bill: un billete de cinco dólares
    6) beak: pico m
    billete s.m.
    cartel s.m.
    certificado s.m.
    cuenta s.f.
    cédula s.f.
    factura s.f.
    letra de cambio (Banco) s.f.
    lista s.f.
    pagaré (Banco) s.m.
    pedimento s.m.
    pico s.m.
    proyecto de ley s.m.
    adeudar v.
    facturar v.
    a) ( invoice) factura f, cuenta f

    the telephone billla cuenta or (Esp tb) el recibo del teléfono

    b) ( in restaurant) (esp BrE) cuenta f, nota f, adición f (RPl)
    c) ( costs) gastos mpl; foot II
    2) ( Fin) ( banknote) (AmE) billete m
    3) ( Govt) proyecto m de ley

    private bill — (BrE) proyecto de ley presentado por un diputado

    a) ( poster) (dated) cartel m, anuncio m
    b) ( program) programa m

    to head o top the bill — encabezar* el reparto

    to fill o (BrE also) fit the bill — reunir* las condiciones, satisfacer* los requisitos

    bill of salecontrato m or escritura f de venta

    to sell somebody a bill of goods — (AmE colloq) darle* or (Chi) pasarle or (Col) meterle gato por liebre a alguien (fam)

    6) ( beak) pico m

    1) (invoice, charge) pasarle la cuenta or la factura a
    2) ( advertise) \<\<play/performer\>\> anunciar


    to bill and coo — estar* como dos tortolitos

    I [bɪl]
    1. N
    1) (esp Brit) (in restaurant, hotel etc) cuenta f, adición f (S. Cone)

    can we have the bill, please? — ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor?

    put it on my bill, please — póngalo en mi cuenta

    - foot the bill for sth
    2) (Comm, Econ) (=invoice) factura f

    wage(s) bill (in industry) gastos mpl de nómina or salariales

    bills discountedefectos mpl descontados

    3) (Parl) proyecto m de ley

    the bill passed the Commons(Brit) el proyecto de ley fue aprobado en la Cámara de los Comunes

    4) (US) (=banknote) billete m
    5) (=notice) cartel m
    6) (Theat) programa m

    to head or top the bill — ser la atracción principal, encabezar el reparto

    2. VT
    1) (Theat) anunciar, presentar
    2) (Comm)

    to bill sb for sthextender or pasar a algn la factura de algo


    bill of exchange Nletra f de cambio

    bill of fare Ncarta f, menú m

    bill of lading Nconocimiento m de embarque

    bill of rights Ndeclaración f de derechos

    bill of sale Nescritura f de venta

    II [bɪl]
    1. N
    1) [of bird] pico m
    2) [of anchor] uña f
    3) (Agr) podadera f, podón m
    4) (Geog) promontorio m

    to bill and coo[birds] arrullarse; (fig) [lovers] arrullarse, hacerse arrumacos

    BILL OF RIGHTS El conjunto de las diez enmiendas ( amendments) originales a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, en vigor desde 1791, recibe el nombre de Bill of Rights. Aquí se enumeran los derechos que tiene todo ciudadano norteamericano y se definen algunos de los poderes de los gobiernos estatales y federal. Se incluyen, por ejemplo, el derecho a la libertad de culto, de asociación y de prensa ( First Amendment), el derecho a llevar armas ( Second Amendment) y el derecho a un juicio justo ( Sixth Amendment). Entre las enmiendas hechas a la Constitución después de 1791 están el derecho a la igualdad de protección legal para todos los ciudadanos ( Fourteenth Amendment) y el derecho al voto ( Fifteenth Amendment).
    see cultural note FIFTH AMENDMENT in amendment
    * * *
    a) ( invoice) factura f, cuenta f

    the telephone billla cuenta or (Esp tb) el recibo del teléfono

    b) ( in restaurant) (esp BrE) cuenta f, nota f, adición f (RPl)
    c) ( costs) gastos mpl; foot II
    2) ( Fin) ( banknote) (AmE) billete m
    3) ( Govt) proyecto m de ley

    private bill — (BrE) proyecto de ley presentado por un diputado

    a) ( poster) (dated) cartel m, anuncio m
    b) ( program) programa m

    to head o top the bill — encabezar* el reparto

    to fill o (BrE also) fit the bill — reunir* las condiciones, satisfacer* los requisitos

    bill of salecontrato m or escritura f de venta

    to sell somebody a bill of goods — (AmE colloq) darle* or (Chi) pasarle or (Col) meterle gato por liebre a alguien (fam)

    6) ( beak) pico m

    1) (invoice, charge) pasarle la cuenta or la factura a
    2) ( advertise) \<\<play/performer\>\> anunciar


    to bill and coo — estar* como dos tortolitos

    English-spanish dictionary > bill

  • 11 put

    1. III
    put smth.
    1) where have I put the ticket? куда я засунул /дел/ билет?
    2) put things (it, one's ideas, the case, etc.) излагать что-л. и т.д.; have a neat (brilliant, graceful, logical, clear, etc.) way of putting things [уметь] четко и т.д. излагать что-л.; as he put it как он выразился; as Horace puts it как об этом пишет Гораций, как это сказано у Горация; let me put my side of the case позвольте мне изложить мою точку зрения
    3) put a resolution предлагать резолюцию; put a motion (a proposal, etc.) выдвигать предложение и т.д.
    4) put a question задавать вопрос
    5) put smth. sport. put the shot (the weight, etc.) толкать ядро и т.д.
    2. IV
    1) put smth., smb. somewhere put a suitcase (a bag, a box, etc.) down опустить /положить или поставить на пол или на землю/ чемодан и т.д.; will you please put the reference book (the dictionary, the hat, specimens, etc.) here (over there, somewhere, back, etc.) пожалуйста, положите сюда и т.д. справочник и т.д.; put this chair there поставьте этот стул туда; put that dog down at once and don't touch it any more опусти собаку сейчас же и больше не трогай ее; did you put the swim-suits in? ты положил [в чемодан] /уложил/ купальные костюмы?; put the rubbish out выносить мусор; put out one's tongue высунуть /показать/ язык: put one's head out высунуть голову; put out a boat вывести лодку в море; now, children, you may put your hands down a теперь, дети, можете опустить руки; put smth. in some manner put one's things (books, one's clothes, etc.) together сложить /собрать/ свои вещи и т.д.; put the hands of a clock (the minute hand, the clock, etc.) back (forward) передвинуть /перевести/ стрелки часов и т.д. назад (вперед); put the clock back an hour перевести часы на час назад; that clock is fast, I'd better put it back five minutes эти часы спешат, пожалуй, я переведу их назад на пять минут; one can't put the clock back время нельзя повернуть назад: let's put two heads together давай подумаем вместе
    2) put smth. somewhere put one's interests (problems of health, science, etc.) first ставить собственные интересы и т.д. на первое место; put truth first заботиться прежде всего об истине; ставить истину во главу угла
    3) put smth., smb. in some state put things to rights a) привести все в порядок; б) все исправить; how can we put him at [his] ease? как мы можем его успокоить?
    4) put smth. in some manner put a case (ideas, a proposal, a matter, facts, things, the story, etc.) clearly (plainly, bluntly, forcibly, cleverly, etc.) излагать /выражать, формулировать/ дело /суть, обстоятельства дела/ и т.д. ясно и т.д.; the report puts the facts truthfully все факты, изложенные в донесении, соответствуют действительности; the teacher puts things convincingly учитель убедительно все объясняет или излагает; to put it briefly, his idea is that... коротко говоря, его мысль состоит в том, что...; to put it frankly, I don't саге for him откровенно /честно/ говоря, он мне не нравится; to say that I was frightened is putting it mildly мягко говоря, я испугался; I don't know how to put it я не знаю, как это выразить /как это сказать/; put it so as not to offend him скажите это так, чтобы он не обиделся
    5) put smth. somewhere put your name here, please распишитесь здесь, пожалуйста
    6) || put smb. back задержать кого-л.; the traffic jam put us back a whole hour пробка на дороге задержала нас на целый час
    3. VI
    put smth. to some state put a watch (a clock) right (wrong) поставить часы правильно (неправильно); put a clock (a watch) fast (slow) отрегулировать часы так, чтобы они шли быстрее (медленнее); put things /the matter/ right исправить положение вещей /дел/; his short note put everything right его короткая записка поставила все на свои места; he put everything wrong он все испортил: the teacher put the boy right учитель поправил ребенка /объяснил ребенку, в чем его ошибка/
    4. VII
    put smth., smb. to do smth. put dishes to drain поставить посуду сушиться; put towels to dry повесить полотенца сушиться; put her to wash dishes (the girl to take care of the children, him to mind the furnace, etc.) поручить ей мыть посуду и т.д.; he put me to work peeling potatoes он посадил меня чистить картошку
    5. XI
    1) be put on (in, under, etc.) smth. the books were put on the shelf (on the table, under the tarpaulin, etc.) книги положили на полку и т.д.; the parcels were put in a bag свертки /посылки и т.п./ были уложены в мешок; every little thing must be put in its right place каждую даже самую маленькую вещичку надо класть на [свое] место
    2) be put to (into, in, out of, etc.) smth. be put (in)to jail /gaol/ быть посаженным /заключенным/ в тюрьму; be put into quarantine быть отправленным /помещенным, посаженным/ в /на/ карантин; the refugees were put in the hostel беженцев разместили в общежитии; he was put to bed его уложили спать; the boy was put out of the room for being impudent мальчика вывели из комнаты за дерзкое поведение; he was put out of the court его удаляли из зала суда; be put in some manner the new boys were put together in one dormitory новичков поместили вместе в одной спальне; he has more sense than all the rest put together у него больше здравого смысла, чем у всех остальных, вместе взятых; he thought he knew more than all his teachers put together он считал, что знает больше своих учителей, вместе взятых
    3) be put on (to) smth. the notice was put on the front page извещение /объявление/ поместили /напечатали/ на первой странице /полосе/; it's time the child was put to school пора определить ребенка в школу; be put on an army pay-roll быть зачисленным на армейское довольствие
    4) be put into smth. the work that has been put into it количество труда, вложенного в это [дело]
    5) be put to (into, in, etc.) smth. be put to use использовать; the uses to which his invention can (may) be put возможные способы /виды/ применения /использования/ его изобретения; be put into practice найти [практическое] применение; the law was put into force закон был введен в действие; he is put to every kind of work его ставят на всякую работу, его используют на разной работе; she was put in (to) service ее отдали в прислуги; the land was put into /under/ turnips участок был засеян репой
    6) be put into (in, out of, etc.) smth. be is soon put into a passion (into a rage, into despair, etc.) его можно быстро привести в состояние возбуждения и т.д.; the dog was put out of pain a) собаке сняли боль; б) собаку умертвили /усыпили/, чтобы она не мучилась; you will be put in funds in due time [денежные] средства вам предоставят в надлежащее время; be put in some manner all the clocks and watches were put back (forward) an hour on Saturday night в субботу вечером все часы были переведены на час назад (вперед); the wedding was put forward to June 3d свадьбу перенесли на третье июня; the meeting was put back for a week собрание отложили на неделю || be [hard] put to it оказаться в трудном /затруднительном/ положении; surprising what he can do when he's put to it просто удивительно, что только он ни сделает, когда нужно; you will be hard put to it to find a pleasanter place than this (to find a substitute, to get the needed sum, to pay his debts, etc.) [вам будет] трудно найти более приятное место, чем это и т.д.; be hard put to it financially находиться в затруднительном материальном положении; any doubt on this point can be easily put at rest любые сомнения на этот счет можно легко развеять
    7) be put to (on, into, in, out of) smth. I have been put to great inconvenience мне это было крайне неудобно; I have been put to great expense меня это ввело в большей расход; be put to the vote быть поставленным на голосование; the motion was put to the vote это предложение было поставлено на голосование; he's already been put to death его уже казнили; he was put on trial a) его предали суду; б) его взяли [на работу] с испытательным сроком; the company will be put in liquidation фирма будет закрыта; he was again put on the same treatment with the same good result ему провели повторный курс лечения, и результат снова оказался хорошим; be put on sale быть выпущенным в продажу; be put in (to) circulation пустить в обращение; only a few copies of the book were put in (to) circulation всего несколько экземпляров книги поступило в продажу; soon buses will be put into service on these routes вскоре по этим маршрутам будут пущены автобусы; these old freight cars have been put out of operation эти старые товарные вагоны сняты с эксплуатации /с линии/; the gun was put out of action орудие было выведено из строя; I had specimen pages put into type я сдал пробные страницы в набор
    8) be put to smth. the enemy was soon put to flight неприятель был вскоре обращен в бегство; he was put to his trump cards его заставили козырять /пойти с козырей/
    9) be put through smth. the bill was put through Congress last week законопроект был проведен через конгресс /был утвержден конгрессом/ на прошлой неделе
    10) be put at smth. the height of this hill is put at 200 metres считают /говорят/, что высота этого холма равна двумстам метрам; it is roughly put at I 5 это приблизительно равняется пяти фунтам
    11) be put in some manner be clearly (well, badly, etc.) put быть ясно и т.д. выраженным /изложенным/; а good story (an anecdote, a witticism, a jest, a joke, etc.) well put интересный, хорошо преподнесенный рассказ и т.д.; the case was cleverly put обстоятельства дела были умно /толково/ изложены; the compliment was clumsily put комплимент был сделан неуклюже; it was finely (gracefully, logically, etc.) put by this author об этом тонко и т.д. сказано /это тонко и т.д. сформулировано/ у данного автора; be put in a few words быть выраженным /высказанным/ несколькими словами
    12) be put to smb. the question was put to the chairman of the meeting (to the committee, to the management, etc.) вопрос был задан председателю собрания и т.д.
    13) be put on smb., smth. dues were put on cattle на крупный рогатый скот был введен налог; embargo has been put on the ship and cargo на корабль и груз было наложено эмбарго; be put under smth. the paper has been put under ban газета была запрещена
    14) be put (up)on smth. be put upon the stage быть поставленным на сцене; this opera was put on the air эта опера была поставлена на радио; an incident sufficiently interesting to merit being put on record этот случай вполне заслуживает того, чтобы его записать
    6. XVI
    put down (up, into, to, for, etc.) some place put down (up) the river двигаться /плыть/ вниз (вверх) по реке; put for home двигаться /направляться/ домой; the ship (the boat, etc.) put back to the shore (to harbour, to port, etc.) корабль и т.д. вернулся /повернул/ к берегу и т.д.; the ship put to Odessa судно шло в Одессу; the ship put out of Odessa судно отплыло из Одессы; the yacht put into Malta for stores (for repairs, etc.) яхта зашла на Мальту, чтобы пополнить [свои] запасы и т.д.; put to sea выйти в море; put to sea in one's yacht отправиться в морское путешествие на собственной яхте
    7. XVIII
    1) || put oneself in smb.'s place /position/ ставить себя на чье-л. место; put yourself in my place поставь себя на мое место
    2) put oneself over smb. coll. put oneself over an audience быть принятым публикой, добиться успеха /завоевать популярность/ у публики
    8. XXI1
    1) put smth. (up)on (into, in, etc.) smth. put a letter on the table (one's hat on a chair, jewels in a safe, a book down upon the desk, the key in his pocket, a manuscript back in its place, one's clothes into the case, etc.) положить письмо на стол и т.д.; put a bottle on the table (a vase upon the mantlepiece, flowers in water, etc.) поставить бутылку на стол и т.д.; put a thing in its right place положить /поставить/ вещь на место; put a kettle on fire поставить чайник на огонь; put the dress in the cupboard повесить платье в шкаф; put a bandage on smb.'s knee накладывать повязку на колено; put one's hand on smb.'s shoulder положить руку. кому-л. на плечо; put one's arms about smb.'s neck обнять кого-л. за шею, обвить чью-л. шею руками; put one's head on the pillow положить голову на подушку; he put an асе on my king он покрыл моего короля тузом; put smb. on (to) smth. put the baby on the bed положите ребенка на кровать; put a player [back] to his former position вернуть игрока на прежнее место
    2) put smb. in some place put smb. in the chair поставить /назначить/ кого-л. председателем; put smb. in the shade оттеснить кого-л. на второй /на задний/ план; put smb. over (under) smb., smth. they put over him a man six years younger than himself они поставили над ним человека на шесть лет моложе него; put a colonel over a division назначить полковника командиром дивизии; they put me under him меня поставили под его начало; put smb., smth. above (before, etc.) smb., smth. he puts Keats above Byron as a poet как поэта он ставит Китса выше Байрона; he puts honour before riches честь для него важнее богатства; put a critic high among other critics ценить /ставить/ данного критика выше всех других; put smth. (up)on smb., smth. put the blame (obligations, hopes, etc.) (up)on smb. возлагать вину и т.д. на кого-л.; he put the blame on me он свалил все на меня; the obligations he had put on us обязательства, которые он на нас возложил; put one's hopes (up)on their talks (oa his decision, on chance, etc.) возлагать надежды на их переговоры и т.д.; put smth. in smb., smth. put confidence /faith, trust/ in smb. верить /доверять/ кому-л.; he puts his faith in reason он верит в силу разума; put no faith in smb.'s assertions не верить чьим-л. утверждениям; put smth. to smth. he puts her failure to lack of experience (to her ignorance, to their refusal, etc.) он относит ее провал за счет неопытности и т.д.; put their conduct to custom объяснять их поведение обычаем; put their success to her credit поставить их успех ей в заслугу || put a wrong construction on smth. а) неправильно понимать или толковать что-л.; б) истолковывать что-л. в худшую сторону; put smb. in possession of smth. ввести кого-л. во владение чем-л.; put difficulties in smb.'s way ставить /чинить/ препятствия кому-л.; put smb., smth. in (to) smb.'s hands доверить кого-л., что-л. кому-л.; put the child in (to) their hands отдать ребенка в их руки; will you put the matter in (to) my hands? не поручите ли вы мне это дело?; put yourself in (to) my hands доверьтесь мне; put smb. in charge of smth. поручить кому-л. руководство чем-л., возложить на кого-л. ответственность за что-л.; put smb. under smb.'s care /under smb.'s charge/ поручить кого-л. чьим-л. заботам; 1 shall put myself under a doctor's care я обращусь к врачу и буду делать то, что он велит; put smth. at smb.'s service предоставить что-л. в чье-л. распоряжение
    3) put smth. in (to) (up, down, etc.) smth. puta letter in (to) an envelope (some money in one's purse, a coin into her pocket, a stick of chewing-gum into her mouth, jewels into a box, papers in the drawer, garbage down a chute, etc.) положить письмо в конверт и т.д.; put a key in a lock (a candle into a candlestick, etc.) вставить ключ в замок и т.д.; he put his hands in (to) his pockets он засунул руки в карманы; put those things in a handbag положите все эти вещи в сумочку; put a letter in a mailbox (a halfpenny into a slot, etc.) опустить /бросить/ письмо в [почтовый] ящик и т.д.; I put a coin in a slot-machine я опустил монету в автомат; put some water in a jug налить воды в кувшин; put sugar in (to) [one's] tea класть сахар в чай; put milk in (to) one's tea наливать /добавлять/ молока себе в чай; put poison in smth. подмешать яду во что-л.; put smth. up the chimney засунуть что-л. в печную трубу; put eau-de-Cologne upon a handkerchief надушите [носовой] платок одеколоном; put seeds into ground засеять поле; put a spoke in smb.'s wheel ставить кому-л. палки в колеса; put smth. into (through) smb., smth. put d knife into smb. зарезать кого-л.; put a bullet through smb. застрелить кого-л.; put a bullet (a knife, etc.) through a wall вогнать пулю и т.д. в стену; put a bullet through one's head пустить себе пулю в лоб, застрелиться; put one's fist through a pane of glass /through a window/ разбить кулаком окно || put one's pen (pencil) through a word (through a line, through a paragraph, etc.) вычеркнуть /вымарать/ слово и т.д.; put smb. in (to) (on) smth. put smb. in a spare room in a hostel поместить /поселить/ кого-л. в свободной комнате общежития; put smb. in prison /into jail/ отправить /заключить/ кого-л. в тюрьму; put smb. in hospital (into a madhouse, etc.) поместить кого-л. в больницу и т.д.; I will put you on the bus я вас [провожу и] посажу на автобус; put smth., smb. out of smth. put one's head out of the window высунуться из окна; put disorderly people out of a meeting вывести /удалять/ хулиганов с собрания
    4) put smth., smb. in (to) (on) smth. put smb. in /on/ the list включить кого-л. в список; put these books in the catalogue включите эти книги в каталог; put a child in a special school отдать ребенка в специальную школу; put an ad in a paper поместить объявление в газете; put all his pieces for children (all his poems together, etc.) in one volume соберите /включите/ все его пьесы для детей и т.д. в один [отдельный] том; put fresh troops into the field вводить в бой свежие войска; put smth. under smth. put a field under wheat засеять поле пшеницей
    5) put smth. in (to) smth. put [one's] money (capital, etc.) in (to) a bank (in business, into land, into property, In an undertaking, into a company, into real estate, etc.) вкладывать [свои] деньги и т.д. в банк и т.д.; put one's savings into securities превращать /вкладывать/ свои сбережения в ценные бумаги; put much work into this display (many weeks into this work, many hours in this paper, etc.) вложить много труда в эту выставку и т.д.; I put much time into this design я затратил много времени, чтобы создать этот узор; put words into smb.'s mouth вложить слова в чьи-л. уста; put a word or two into smb.'s ear [about smth.] шепнуть кому-л. пару слов [о чем-л.]; put new ideas into smb.'s head внушить кому-л. новые идеи; good actors know how to put emotion into their spoken words хорошие /настоящие/ актеры умеют выразить чувства словами; you must put more nerve into your part вы должны играть эту роль более темпераментно; put smth. on smb., smth. put all one's money (a dollar, etc.) on a horse (on the favourite) ставить все свои деньги на лошадь (на фаворита); put a bet on the game делать ставку в азартной игре; put smth. into smb. put new life into a person вселять новую надежду /жизнь/ в человека; put smth., smb. out of smth. put the idea (a thing, this man, etc.) out of one's head /out of one's mind/ выбросить эту мысль и т.д. из головы; put it out of sight уберите это с глаз долой
    6) put smth. to (on) smth. put a new handle to a knife приделать новую рукоятку /ручку/ к ножу; I am afraid you forgot to put a stamp on your letter боюсь, что вы забыли наклеить марку на свое письмо; will you please put a patch on these trousers положите, пожалуйста, заплату на эти брюки, залатайте, пожалуйста, эти брюки; put the roof on the house покрыть дом крышей; put smth. in some piece put a cross at the bottom (one's signature on top, etc.) поставить крест внизу и т.д.
    7) put smth. oner (ой) smth., smb. put gold (silver, etc.) [leaf] over smth. покрывать что-л. золотом и т.д.; put a ring on a finger (a dress on a mannequin,. two socks on one foot, a coat on her shoulders, a new suit on him, etc.) надеть кольцо на палец и т.д.; put a net over a lion набросить на льва сеть; put a saddle on a horse оседлать лошадь; put smb. into smth. put a child into a sailor suit одеть ребенка в матросский костюмчик /в матроску/
    8) put smth. to (against) smth. put a glass to one's lips /one's lips to one's glass/ (a handkerchief to one's nose, a light to a fire, a match to a cigarette, etc.) поднести стакан к губам и т.д.; put one's hand to one's head приложить руку ко лбу; put one's eye to a telescope (to opera-glasses, to a spyglass, to a keyhole, etc.) посмотреть в телескоп и т.д.; he put a flower against her hair он приложил цветок к ее волосам; put one's lips to smb.'s ear сказать что-л. на ухо/шепнуть что-л./ кому-л. || put smb. in touch with smb., smth. связать кого-л. с кем-л., чем-л.; I'll try to put you in touch with them попробую связать вас с ними
    9) put smth. in (to) smth. put a plan in action проводить в жизнь план; put a plan in execution приводить план в исполнение; put a law in force /into operation/ вводить закон в действие; put a reform into effect провести реформу; put an order into effect выполнять приказ; put a principle into practice осуществлять какой-л. принцип; put one's knowledge to practical use применять свои знания на практике; put the money to a good use хорошо /разумно/ использовать деньги; put smth. in evidence выставлять /предъявлять/ что-л. как свидетельство; put smb. to smth. put smb. to work определять кого-л. на работу; put smb. to business приставить кого-л. к делу; put smb. to a trade отдать /определить/ кого-л. в учение; he put me to work at once он сразу же дал /поручил/ мне работу
    10) put smb. into (in, to, out of, on) some state put smb. into a rage привести кого-л. в ярость; put smb. into a fright напугать/перепугать/ кого-л.; put smb. in fear of his life заставить кого-л. дрожать за свою жизнь; put smb. into a state of anxiety разволновать кого-л., привести кого-л. в волнение; put smb. into a flutter привести кого-л. в нервное состояние, взбудоражить кого-л.; put smb. in doubt вызвать у кого-л. сомнение; put smb. to shame пристыдить кого-л.; put smb. to the blush заставить кого-л. покраснеть; put smb. in a good humour привести кого-л. в хорошее настроение /в хорошее расположение духа/; he always manages to put me in the wrong ему всегда удается показать, что я неправ; put smb. into a state of hypnosis загипнотизировать кого-л.; put smb. to bed уложить кого-л. спать; put smb. to sleep a) навевать сон кому-л.; by singing she put the baby back to sleep ребенок снова заснул под ее песенку; б) усыпить /убить/ кого-л.; we had to put the old dog to sleep нам пришлось усыпить старого пса; the doctor put the patient to bed for six weeks врач уложил больного в постель /прописал больному постельный режим/ на шесть недель; put smb. on diet посадить кого-л. на диету; put the patient on a milk diet прописать /назначить/ больному молочную диету; put smb. out of temper вывести кого-л. из себя; put smb. out of patience вывести кого-л. из терпения; put smb. out of humour испортить кому-л. настроение; put smb. out of suspense успокоить кого-л.; put smb. out of countenance привести кого-л. в замешательство, смутить кого-л.; put the poor man out of misery избавить несчастного [человека] от страданий; put smb. out of employment лишать кого-л. работы; put smb. out of business разорить кого-л.; put smth. in (into, out of) some state put one's room (one's dress, one's affairs, the house, etc.) in order привести свою комнату и т.д. в порядок; put manuscripts in order for publication подготовить рукописи к изданию; I want to put my report into shape я хочу привести в порядок /отредактировать/ свой доклад; put figures into the form of diagrams представить /дать/ цифры в форме диаграмм; put data into tabular form привести данные в табличной форме; put names in alphabetical order расположить фамилии в алфавитном порядке; put the piano in tune настроить рояль; put a country in a state of defence подготовить страну к обороне; put a machine out of order /out of gear/ сломать машину; put a bus out of service снять автобус с линии; put a warship out of action вывести военный корабль из боя || put smb. in mind of smth., smb. напоминать кому-л. что-л., кого-л.; this put me in mind of my youth (of his promise, of her sister, etc.) это напомнило мне мою юность и т.д.; put smth., smb. on its, on one's legs again снова поставить что-л., кого-л. на ноги; he tried to put the firm on its legs again он попробовал вдохнуть в фирму новую жизнь
    11) put smb. to smth. put smb. to inconvenience причинять кому-л. неудобство; I am putting you to a good deal of trouble я доставляю /причиняю/ вам массу хлопот; you have put me to great /heavy/ expense вы ввели меня в большие расходы; put smb. to torture пытать кого-л., подвергать кого-л. пыткам; put smb. to trial возбуждать против кого-л. дело в суде; предать кого-л. суду; put smb. to death казнить кого-л.; put smth. to smth., smb. put an end /a stop/ (a check, etc.) to smth. положить конец чему-л., прекратить что-л.; the news put an end to our hopes это известие лишило нас надежды; put an end to smb. покончить с кем-л., ликвидировать кого-л.; put an end to oneself /to one's life/ покончить жизнь самоубийством; put an end to a practice прекратить практику; put smb. in smth. put smb. in an unpleasant position /in a fix, in a hole/ поставить кого-л. в неприятное или затруднительное положение; put smb., smth. through (on, to, etc.) smth. put them through a course of English обязать их прослушать курс английского языка /пройти подготовку по английскому языку/; put smb. through an ordeal подвергать кого-л. тяжелому испытанию; put smb. through a severe /stiff/ cross-examination устроить кому-л. суровый перекрестный допрос; put smb. through it coll. задать кому-л. жару; put goods on (in) the market /to sale, into circulation/ выпустить товар в продажу; he put the car through some tests он несколько раз проверял /испытывал/ машину; put smb., smth. to the test подвергать кого-л., что-л. испытанию; проверять кого-л., что-л. || put smth. to the vote ставить вопрос на голосование; put a motion (a proposal, a matter, a resolution, a decision, etc.) to the vote ставить предложение и т.д. на голосование; put the painting on exhibition выставить картину для обозрения; put smb. under arrest арестовать кого-л.; put pressure on smth., smb. оказывать давление на что-л., кого-л.; they put it over us coll. они нас провели, они обвели нас вокруг пальца
    12) put smb., smth. to (in, into) smth. put the enemy (an army, the gang, thieves, etc.) to flight обратить неприятеля и т.д. в бегство; put an engine in motion /into operation/ включить мотор; put a piece of mechanism in motion /into operation/ приводить в движение механизм; put new cars into service ввести в эксплуатацию новые машины; put smth. into production (into circulation, etc.) пускать что-л. в производство и т.д.
    13) put smb. on smth. put smb. on his mettle заставить кого-л. проявить себя с лучшей стороны /проявить рвение/; your presence will put him on his best behaviour ваше присутствие заставит его проявить себя с лучшей стороны или вести себя самым лучшим образом; put smb. on his guard заставить кого-л. насторожиться; put smb. through smth. put a horse through his paces заставлять лошадь показать, что она умеет
    14) put smth., smb. (in)to (on, over, across, etc.) smth. put a ship /the rudder/ (in)to port /harbour/ направить корабль в порт; put a fleet to sea направить флот в море; put a satellite into orbit [around the earth] вывести спутник на околоземную орбиту; put a horse's head towards home повернуть /направить/ лошадь домой; put smb. on the right road a) показать кому-л. правильную дорогу; б) направить кого-л. на правильный путь; put smb. on the wrong scent направить кого-л. по ложному следу; put smb. across /over/ the river переправить кого-л. на другой берег [реки]
    15) put smth. at smth. put the distance at 5 miles считать, что расстояние равно пяти милям; they put the circulation at 60 000 они решили установить тираж в шестьдесят тысяч экземпляров; put the rent at a certain sum of money определять размер квартплаты; I put his income at t 6000 a year я думаю, что его годовой доход составляет шесть тысяч фунтов; he puts the time at about 11 он полагает, что сейчас около одиннадцати [часов]; I should put it at i 50 я бы оценил это в пятьдесят фунтов; I would put her age at not more than sixty я бы не дал ей больше шестидесяти лет || put a price on smth. назначать цену на что-л.; put a price on a painting назначить цену на картину; he put too high a price on the book он очень дорого запросил за книгу; put value on smth. ценить что-л.; I put high value on his friendship я очень высоко ценю его дружбу; what value do you put on his advice? как вы относитесь к его советам?
    16) put smth. on (in, etc.) smth. put one's proposals (one's ideas, one's thoughts, one's impressions, etc.) on paper излагать свои предложения и т.д. в письменной форме /в письменном виде, на бумаге/; put smth. in black and white написать что-л. черным по белому; he put his feelings (his ideas, his fancies, etc.) in (to) words он выразил свои чувства и т.д. словами; can you put that in simpler words? не можете ли вы сказать это попроще?; he wanted to go but couldn't put his wish into words он хотел уйти, но не знал, как сказать об этом; put a question in a clearer light сформулировать вопрос точнее /яснее/; let me put it in another way позвольте мне сказать об этом иначе;put smth. to /before/ smb. put it to him nicely скажите ему об этом деликатно /мягко/; you must your case before the commission вы должны свое дело изложить комиссии; when I put it to him he... a) когда я изложил ему это, он...; б) когда я предложил ему это, он...; put smth. in (to) smth. put smth. in (to) some language переводить что-л. на какой-л. язык; put a poem (a work, a novel, a story, a passage, etc.) into French (into German, into English, etc.) перевести стихотворение и т.д. на французский и т.д. язык; how would you put it in French (in Danish, in English, etc.)? как вы это скажете /как это будет/ по-французски и т.д. ?
    17) put smth. before (to) smth., smb. put a matter before a meeting (before a board, before the court, etc.) поставить вопрос на рассмотрение собрания и т.д.; put this case before a tribunal предложить суду рассмотреть этот вопрос; put a proposal before a committee внести предложение в комиссию; put one's grievances before the management изложить администрации свои претензии; I want to put my proposal before you я хочу, чтобы вы выслушали /обсудили, обдумали/ мое предложение; I shall put your suggestion to the board at the next meeting я сообщу о вашем предложении на следующем собрании правления; put smth. in (to) smth. put the questions in (to) writing пришлите или изложите вопросы в письменной форме
    18) put smth. to smb. put a question to smb. задать кому-л. вопрос; put a riddle to smb. загадать кому-л. загадку
    19) put smth. in (to, on, under, etc.) smth. put the amount in the receipt (in the expenditure, etc.) указать количество в квитанции и т.д.; put this sum to my account запишите эту сумму на мой счет; put words into blanks /into blank spaces/ заполните пропуски; put one's name /one's signature/ under a document (to a will, on the dotted line, etc.) подписывать документ и т.д., ставить свою подпись под документом и т.д.; put one's initials to a document diplom. парафировать документ; put one's seal to a document (to a will, etc.) поставить печать под документом и т.д.; put a mark tick/ against smb.'s name поставить галочку против чьей-л. фамилии; put macron over a vowel поставить знак долготы над гласной буквой; put markers on packages пометить тюки
    20) put smth. on smth., smb. put a tax (duties, customs, etc.) on these articles облагать такие предметы налогом и т.д.; put a tax on imports (on luxuries, on cigarettes, etc.) облагать ввозимые товары налогом и т.д.; put heavy dues on cattle обкладывать скот высоким налогом || put a veto on /to/ smth. наложить вето на /запретить/ что-л.; put these customs under taboo запретить эти обычаи
    21) put smth. on the stage put a play ("Othello", etc.) on the stage поставить какую-л. пьесу и т.д. на сцене
    22) put smb. to smb. put a cow to a bull bull to a cow/ agric. спаривать корову с быком
    9. XXII
    1) put smth. into doing smth. put energy into finishing a task приложить энергию /усилия/ к завершению работы
    2) put smb. to doing smth. put a boy to shoemaking определить /отдать/ мальчика в учение к сапожнику
    3) put smb. to doing smth. I put her to setting the table я заставил ее накрыть на стол
    10. XXVIII2
    put it to smb. that... I put it to you that you were (not) there at the time (that you were after no good, that you have committed it, that you were a boy at the time, that you knew the signature was forged, etc.) law я заявляю, что вы там были (не были) в то время

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > put

  • 12 bill

    1) счёт, плата

    My telephone (book, dress) bills run high. — У меня большой расход на телефон (книги, платья). /У меня много денег уходит на телефон (книги, платья).

    The bill is payable within three days. — Счет подлежит оплате в течение трех дней. /Срок оплаты счета три дня.

    These bills do not agree. — Эти счета не сходятся.

    - hospital bill
    - hotel bill
    - telephone bill
    - utility bill
    - bill of carriage
    - doctor's bill
    - bill at the restaurant
    - pay the bills
    - collect bills
    - put smth on the bill
    - meet the bills
    - check the bill
    - compare bills
    - make out a bill for 1000 ruobles
    - save a coal bill
    - cut down one's bills for electricity

    The bill is payable (is due, matures/comes to maturity) next month. — Срок оплаты векселя истекает в следующем месяце.

    The bill is payable to the bearer/at sight/on demand. — Вексель подлежит оплате по предъявлению

    - canceled bill
    - prolonged bill
    - overdue bill
    - bearer bill
    - forged bill
    - bill of credit
    - bill on a bank
    - cancel a bill
    - accept up
    - dishonour a bill
    - prolong a bill
    - draw out a bill on smb for a certain sum of money
    3) казначейский билет, купюра, банкнота
    - five-dollar bill
    - bill of different denomination
    - denomination of the bill
    - break a ten-dollar bill into smaller denominations
    - pay in bills
    4) документ, законопроект
    - bill of Rights
    - debate in Congress on the President's new transportation bill

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > bill

  • 13 bill

    [bil] n կտուց. նեղ հրվանդան
    [bil] n օրինագիծ, բիլ. bill before the parlament քննարկվող օրինագիծ. first reading of a bill օրինագծի առաջին ընթերցում. preamble of a bill օրինագծի նախաբան. introduce /bring in a bill օրինագիծը մտցնել. pass the bill օրի նագիծն ընդունել. throw out the bill օրինագիծը մերժել. (հայց) find a true bill գործը դա տարան տալ. ignore the bill գործը կարճել
    [bil] n հաշիվ. telephone/hotel bill հեռախո սի/հյուրանոցի հաշիվ. make out a bill հաշիվ դուրս գրել. pay/foot the bill հաշիվը փա կել/վճա րել. put down on the bill հաշվի մեջ մտցնել. ամ. բանկնոտ, թղթադրամ. a ten dollar bill 10 դոլար թղթադրամ. (մուրհակ) նաև bill of exchange. bank bill բանկային մուրհակ. bill of lading/parcels բեռ նա գիր/ ապ րանքա գիր. bill of credit հաշվարկագիր. (ազդ, հայ տարա րություն) Adamyan was billed to appear in Hamlet Հայտարարվեց, որ Համլետի դերը կկա տարի Ադամյանը. That will fill the bill Դա հար մար կգա/կլինի. bill of fare ճաշացու ցակ. bill of health առողջության վկա յական. bill of sale վաճառագիր bill of Rights ԱՄՆ իրա վունք ների հայտարարագիր. fill the bill փխբ. պա հանջները բավարարել
    [bil] v կտուց կտուցի տալ, իրար փաղաք շել, գգվել. նաև՝ bill and coo

    English-Armenian dictionary > bill

  • 14 bill

    сор, се милува
    сметкопотврда, оглас, плакат, белешка
    v огласува (на огласна табла), вклучува во програма
    v се милува
    клун, жрт
    * * *
    n. 1. сметка; to pay a bill плаќање сметка; to put on smb.'s bill ставање (вметнување) на нечија сметка; a telephone (water) bill сметка за телефон (за вода); to run up a large bill правење на голема сметка; (colloq.) *to foot the bill поднесување на трошоците;
    2. театарска програма;
    3. плаката, оглас; post no bills! забрането е лепење на плакати;
    4. банкнота; a five-dollar bill банкнота од пет долари; to break a bill раситнување на банкнота;
    5. законски нацрт; to accept (introduce) a bill примање (предлагање) на нацрт; 6. (legal) исправа; to file a bill of complaint поднесување на обвинителен предлог; bill II v tr
    1.наплаќање; he will bill you for everything тој се ќе ви наплати; bill it to my account стави го тоа на моја сметка (see also charge III);
    2. објавување (со плаката); bill III n клун; bill IV v intr љубење (за гулаби); to bill and coo милување, галење; bill V n; see billhook
    n. Бил (деминутив од William)
    n. сметка; to foot the bill - плаќа сметка;
    2. меница, парично писмо (исто и bill of exchange);
    3. (амер.) банкнота; а ten-dollar bill - банкнота од десет долари/ v. лепи плака

    English-Macedonian dictionary > bill

  • 15 put through

    transitive verb
    1) (carry out) durchführen [Plan, Programm, Kampagne, Sanierung]; durchbringen [Gesetz, Vorschlag]; (complete) zum Abschluss bringen, abschließen [Geschäft usw.]
    2) (Teleph.) verbinden (to mit); durchstellen [Gespräch] (to zu). See also academic.ru/59261/put">put 1. 3)
    * * *
    1) (to arrange (a deal, agreement etc).) durchführen
    2) (to connect by telephone: I'm trying to put you through (to London).) verbinden
    * * *
    1. (insert through)
    to \put through sth through sth etw durch etw akk schieben; (pierce) etw durch etw akk stechen
    he \put through his hand through the hole in the fence er steckte seine Hand durch das Loch im Zaun
    she \put through her arm through his sie hakte sich bei ihm unter
    to \put through sb through jdn durchstellen
    to \put through sb through to sb jdn mit jdm verbinden
    to \put through a call through to sb einen Anruf an jdn weiterleiten
    3. (cause to undergo)
    to \put through a car through the carwash ein Auto in die Waschanlage bringen
    to \put through sb through hell jdm das Leben zur Hölle machen
    4. (support)
    to \put through sb through college/school jdn zum College/zur Schule schicken
    we spent over $100,000 \put throughting our daughter through college wir haben 100.000 Dollar für das Studium unserer Tochter ausgegeben
    to \put through oneself through college [or AM also school] sich dat das Studium selbst finanzieren
    to \put through through ⇆ sth bill, plan, proposal etw durchbringen; claim etw weiterleiten
    * * *
    1. durch-, ausführen
    2. TEL jemanden verbinden (to mit), ein Gespräch durchstellen (to zu):
    put through a call to Boston nach Boston telefonieren
    3. weiterleiten (to an akk)
    * * *
    transitive verb
    1) (carry out) durchführen [Plan, Programm, Kampagne, Sanierung]; durchbringen [Gesetz, Vorschlag]; (complete) zum Abschluss bringen, abschließen [Geschäft usw.]
    2) (Teleph.) verbinden (to mit); durchstellen [Gespräch] (to zu). See also put 1. 3)
    * * *
    verbinden (mit) v.

    English-german dictionary > put through

  • 16 put through

    put [sth.] through, put through [sth.]
    1) (implement) fare approvare, fare passare [reform, bill, plan]
    2) tel. (transfer) passare [ call] (to a); put [sb.] through tel. passare [ caller] (to a)
    * * *
    1) (to arrange (a deal, agreement etc).) concludere
    2) (to connect by telephone: I'm trying to put you through (to London).) (mettere in linea)
    * * *
    vt + adv
    1) (complete: business, deal) concludere, (have accepted: reform, bill) far approvare, far passare
    2) (Telec: connect: caller) mettere in comunicazione, (call) passare

    can you put me through to the manager? — mi passa il direttore, per favore?

    * * *
    put [sth.] through, put through [sth.]
    1) (implement) fare approvare, fare passare [reform, bill, plan]
    2) tel. (transfer) passare [ call] (to a); put [sb.] through tel. passare [ caller] (to a)

    English-Italian dictionary > put through

  • 17 put

    A n Fin = put option.
    B vtr ( p prés - tt- ; prét, pp put)
    1 ( place) mettre [object] ; put them here please mettez-les ici s'il vous plaît ; to put sth on/under/around etc mettre qch sur/sous/autour de etc ; to put a stamp on a letter mettre un timbre sur une lettre ; to put a lock on the door/a button on a shirt mettre une serrure sur la porte/un bouton sur une chemise ; to put one's arm around sb mettre son bras autour de qn ; to put one's hands in one's pockets mettre les mains dans ses poches ; to put sth in a safe place mettre qch en lieu sûr ; to put sugar in one's tea mettre du sucre dans son thé ; to put more sugar in one's tea ajouter du sucre dans son thé ; to put more soap in the bathroom remettre du savon dans la salle de bains ;
    2 ( cause to go or undergo) to put sth through glisser qch dans [letterbox] ; passer qch par [window] ; faire passer qch à [mincer] ; to put one's head through the window passer la tête par la fenêtre ; to put one's fist through the window casser la fenêtre d'un coup de poing ; to put sth through the books Accts faire passer qch dans les frais généraux ; to put sth through a test faire passer un test à qch ; to put sth through a process faire suivre un processus à qch ; to put sb through envoyer qn à [university, college] ; faire passer qn par [suffering, ordeal] ; faire passer [qch] à qn [test] ; faire suivre [qch] à qn [course] ; after all you've put me through après tout ce que tu m'as fait subir ; to put sb through hell faire souffrir mille morts à qn ; to put one's hand/finger to porter la main/le doigt à [mouth] ;
    3 ( cause to be or do) mettre [person] ; to put sb in prison/on a diet mettre qn en prison/au régime ; to put sb on the train mettre qn dans le train ; to put sb in goal/in defence GB mettre qn dans les buts/en défense ; to put sb in a bad mood/in an awkward position mettre qn de mauvaise humeur/dans une situation délicate ; to put sb to work mettre qn au travail ; to put sb to mending/washing sth faire réparer/laver qch à qn ;
    4 (devote, invest) to put money/energy into sth investir de l'argent/son énergie dans qch ; if you put some effort into your work, you will improve si tu fais des efforts, ton travail sera meilleur ; to put a lot into s'engager à fond pour [work, project] ; sacrifier beaucoup à [marriage] ; to put a lot of effort into sth faire beaucoup d'efforts pour qch ; she puts a lot of herself into her novels il y a beaucoup d'éléments autobiographiques dans ses romans ;
    5 ( add) to put sth towards mettre qch pour [holiday, gift, fund] ; put it towards some new clothes dépense-le en nouveaux vêtements ; to put tax/duty on sth taxer/imposer qch ; to put a penny on income tax GB augmenter d'un pourcent l'impôt sur le revenu ;
    6 ( express) how would you put that in French? comment dirait-on ça en français? ; how can I put it? comment dirai-je? ; it was-how can I put it-unusual c'était-comment dire-original ; that's one way of putting it! iron on peut le dire comme ça! ; as Sartre puts it comme le dit Sartre ; to put it simply pour le dire simplement ; to put it bluntly pour parler franchement ; let me put it another way laissez-moi m'exprimer différemment ; that was very well ou nicely put c'était très bien tourné ; to put one's feelings/one's anger into words trouver les mots pour exprimer ses sentiments/sa colère ; to put sth in writing mettre qch par écrit ;
    7 ( offer for consideration) présenter [argument, point of view, proposal] ; to put sth to soumettre qch à [meeting, conference, board] ; to put sth to the vote mettre qch au vote ; I put it to you that Jur j'ai la présomption que ;
    8 (rate, rank) placer ; where would you put it on a scale of one to ten? où est-ce que tu placerais cela sur une échelle allant de un à dix? ; to put sb in the top rank of artists placer qn au premier rang des artistes ; I put a sense of humour before good looks je place le sens de l'humour avant la beauté ; I put a sense of humour first pour moi le plus important c'est le sens de l'humour ; to put children/safety first faire passer les enfants/la sécurité avant tout ; to put one's family before everything faire passer sa famille avant tout ;
    9 ( estimate) to put sth at évaluer qch à [sum] ; to put the value of sth at estimer la valeur de qch à [sum] ; I'd put him at about 40 je lui donnerais à peu près 40 ans ;
    10 Sport lancer [shot] ;
    11 Agric ( for mating) to put a heifer/mare to amener une génisse/jument à [male].
    C v refl ( p prés - tt- ; prét, pp put) to put oneself in a strong position/in sb's place se mettre dans une position de force/à la place de qn.
    I didn't know where to put myself je ne savais pas où me mettre ; I wouldn't put it past him! je ne pense pas que ça le gênerait! (to do de faire) ; I wouldn't put anything past her! je la crois capable de tout! ; put it there ! ( invitation to shake hands) tope là! ; to put it about a bit péj coucher à droite et à gauche ; to put one over ou across GB on sb faire marcher qn .
    put about:
    put about Naut virer de bord ;
    put [sth] about, put about [sth]
    1 ( spread) faire circuler [rumour, gossip, story] ; to put (it) about that faire courir le bruit que ; it is being put about that le bruit court que ;
    2 Naut faire virer de bord [vessel].
    put across [sth], put [sth] across communiquer [idea, message, concept, case, point of view] ; mettre [qch] en valeur [personality] ; to put oneself across se mettre en valeur.
    put aside:
    put aside [sth], put [sth] aside mettre [qch] de côté [money, article, differences, divisions, mistrust].
    put away:
    put away [sth], put [sth] away
    1 ( tidy away) ranger [toys, dishes] ;
    2 ( save) mettre [qch] de côté [money] ;
    3 ( consume) avaler [food] ; descendre [drink] ;
    put away [sb] , put [sb] away
    1 ( in mental hospital) enfermer ; he had to be put away il a fallu l'enfermer ;
    2 ( in prison) boucler [person] (for pour).
    put back:
    put back [sth], put [sth] back
    1 (return, restore) remettre [object] ; to put sth back where it belongs remettre qch à sa place ;
    2 ( postpone) remettre, repousser [meeting, departure] (to à ; until jusqu'à) ; repousser [date] ;
    3 retarder [clock, watch] ; remember to put your clocks back an hour n'oubliez pas de retarder votre pendule d'une heure ;
    4 ( delay) retarder [project, production, deliveries] (by de) ;
    5 ( knock back) descendre [drink, quantity].
    put by GB:
    put [sth] by, put by [sth] mettre [qch] de côté [money] ; to have a bit (of money) put by avoir un peu d'argent de côté.
    put down:
    put down ( land) [aircraft] atterrir (on sur) ;
    put [sth] down, put down [sth]
    1 (on ground, table) poser [object, plane] (on sur) ; mettre [rat poison etc] ;
    2 ( suppress) réprimer [uprising, revolt, opposition] ;
    3 ( write down) mettre (par écrit) [date, time, name] ; put down whatever you like mets ce que tu veux ;
    4 ( ascribe) to put sth down to mettre qch sur le compte de [incompetence, human error etc] ; to put sth down to the fact that imputer qch au fait que ;
    5 ( charge) to put sth down to mettre qch sur [account] ;
    6 Vet ( by injection) piquer ; ( by other method) abattre ; to have a dog put down faire piquer un chien ;
    7 (advance, deposit) to put down a deposit verser des arrhes ; to put £50 down on sth verser 50 livres d'arrhes sur qch ;
    8 (lay down, store) mettre [qch] en cave [wine] ; affiner [cheese] ;
    9 ( put on agenda) inscrire [qch] à l'ordre du jour [motion] ;
    put [sb] down, put down [sb]
    1 ( drop off) déposer [passenger] ; to put sb down on the corner déposer qn au coin de la rue ;
    2 ( humiliate) rabaisser [person] ;
    3 gen Sch ( into lower group) faire descendre [pupil, team] (from de ; to, into à) ;
    4 (classify, count in) to put sb down as considérer qn comme [possibility, candidate, fool] ; I'd never have put you down as a Scotsman! je ne t'aurais jamais pris pour un Écossais! ; to put sb down for ( note as wanting or offering) compter [qch] pour qn [contribution] ; ( put on waiting list) inscrire qn sur la liste d'attente pour [school, club] ; put me down for a meal compte un repas pour moi ; to put sb down for £10 compter 10 livres pour qn ; to put sb down for three tickets réserver trois billets pour qn.
    put forth [sth], put [sth] forth
    1 présenter [shoots, leaves, buds] ;
    2 fig émettre [idea, theory].
    put forward [sth], put [sth] forward
    1 ( propose) avancer [idea, theory, name] ; soumettre [plan, proposal, suggestion] ; émettre [opinion] ;
    2 ( in time) avancer [meeting, date, clock] (by de ; to à) ; don't forget to put your clocks forward one hour n'oubliez pas d'avancer votre pendule d'une heure ;
    put [sb] forward, put forward [sb] présenter la candidature de (for pour) ;
    put sb forward as présenter qn comme [candidate] ; to put oneself forward présenter sa candidature, se présenter ; to put oneself forward as a candidate présenter sa candidature ; to put oneself forward for se présenter pour [post].
    put in:
    put in
    1 [ship] faire escale (at à ; to dans ; for pour) ;
    2 ( apply) to put in for [person] postuler pour [job, promotion, rise] ; demander [transfer, overtime] ;
    put in [sth], put [sth] in
    1 (fit, install) installer [central heating, shower, kitchen] ; to have sth put in faire installer qch ;
    2 ( make) faire [request, claim, offer, bid] ; to put in an application for déposer une demande de [visa, passport] ; poser sa candidature pour [job] ; to put in a protest protester ; to put in an appearance faire une apparition ;
    3 ( contribute) passer [time, hours, days] ; contribuer pour [sum, amount] ; they are each putting in £1 m chacun apporte une contribution d'un million de livres ; to put in a lot of time doing consacrer beaucoup de temps à faire ; to put in a good day's work avoir une bonne journée de travail ; to put in a lot of work se donner beaucoup de mal ; thank you for all the work you've put in merci pour tout le mal que tu t'es donné ;
    4 ( insert) mettre [paragraph, word, reference] ; to put in that mettre que ; to put in how/why expliquer comment/pourquoi ;
    5 ( elect) élire ; that puts the Conservatives in again les conservateurs ont donc été élus encore une fois ;
    put [sb] in for présenter [qn] pour [exam, scholarship] ; poser la candidature de [qn] pour [promotion, job] ; recommander [qn] pour [prize, award] ; to put oneself in for poser sa candidature pour [job, promotion].
    put off:
    put off Naut partir ;
    put off from s'éloigner de [quay, jetty] ;
    put off [sth], put [sth] off
    1 (delay, defer) remettre [qch] (à plus tard) [wedding, meeting] ; to put sth off until June/until after Christmas remettre qch à juin/à après Noël ; I should see a doctor, but I keep putting it off je devrais voir un médecin, mais je remets toujours ça à plus tard ; to put off visiting sb/doing one's homework remettre à plus tard une visite chez qn/ses devoirs ;
    2 ( turn off) éteindre [light, radio] ; couper [radiator, heating] ;
    put off [sb], put [sb] off
    1 (fob off, postpone seeing) décommander [guest] ; dissuader [person] ; to put sb off coming with an excuse trouver une excuse pour dissuader qn de venir ; to be easily put off se décourager facilement ;
    2 ( repel) [appearance, smell, colour] dégoûter ; [manner, person] déconcerter ; to put sb off sth dégoûter qn de qch ; don't be put off by the colour-it tastes delicious! ne te laisse pas dégoûter par la couleur-c'est délicieux! ;
    3 GB ( distract) distraire ; stop trying to put me off! arrête de me distraire! ; you're putting me off my work tu me distrais de mon travail ;
    4 ( drop off) déposer [passenger].
    put on:
    put on [sth], put [sth] on
    1 mettre [garment, hat, cream, lipstick] ;
    2 (switch on, operate) allumer [light, gas, radio, heating] ; mettre [record, tape, music] ; to put the kettle on mettre de l'eau à chauffer ; to put the brakes on freiner ;
    3 ( gain) prendre [weight, kilo] ;
    4 ( add) rajouter [extra duty, tax] ;
    5 ( produce) monter [play, exhibition] ;
    6 (assume, adopt) prendre [air, accent, look, expression] ; he's putting it on il fait semblant ;
    7 (lay on, offer) ajouter [extra train, bus service] ; proposer [meal, dish] ;
    8 ( put forward) avancer [clock] ;
    9 Turf ( bet) parier [amount] ; to put a bet on faire un pari ;
    put [sb] on
    1 Telecom ( connect) passer ; I'll put him on je vous le passe ;
    2 US faire marcher [person] ;
    3 ( recommend) to put sb on to sth indiquer qch à qn ; who put you on to me? qui vous a envoyé à moi? ;
    4 ( put on track of) to put sb on to mettre qn sur la piste de [killer, criminal, runaway].
    put out:
    put out
    1 Naut partir (from de) ; to put out to sea mettre à la mer ;
    2 US péj coucher avec n'importe qui ;
    put out [sth], put [sth] out
    1 ( extend) tendre [hand, arm, foot, leg] ; to put out one's tongue tirer la langue ;
    2 ( extinguish) éteindre [fire, cigarette, candle, light] ;
    3 ( take outside) sortir [bin, garbage] ; faire sortir [cat] ;
    4 ( issue) diffuser [description, report, warning] ; faire [statement] ; propager [rumour] ;
    5 (make available, arrange) mettre [food, dishes, towels etc] ;
    6 ( sprout) déployer [shoot, bud, root] ;
    7 ( cause to be wrong) fausser [figure, estimate, result] ;
    8 ( dislocate) se démettre [shoulder, ankle] ;
    9 ( subcontract) confier [qch] en sous-traitance [work] (to à) ;
    put [sb] out
    1 ( inconvenience) déranger ; to put oneself out se mettre en quatre (to do pour faire) ; to put oneself out for sb se donner beaucoup de mal pour qn ; don't put yourself out for us ne vous dérangez pas pour nous ;
    2 ( annoy) contrarier ; he looked really put out il avait l'air vraiment contrarié ;
    3 ( evict) expulser.
    put [sth] through, put through [sth]
    1 ( implement) faire passer [reform, bill, amendment, plan, measure] ;
    2 Telecom ( transfer) passer [call] (to à) ; she put through a call from my husband elle m'a passé mon mari ;
    put [sb] through Telecom passer [caller] (to à) ; I'm just putting you through je vous le/la passe ; I was put through to another department on m'a passé un autre service.
    put [sb/sth] together, put together [sb/sth]
    1 ( assemble) assembler [pieces, parts] ; to put sth together again, to put sth back together reconstituer qch ; more/smarter than all the rest put together plus/plus intelligent que tous les autres réunis ;
    2 ( place together) mettre ensemble [animals, objects, people] ;
    3 ( form) former [coalition, partnership, group, team, consortium] ;
    4 (edit, make) constituer [file, portfolio, anthology] ; rédiger [newsletter, leaflet] ; établir [list] ; faire [film, programme, video] ;
    5 ( concoct) improviser [meal] ;
    6 ( present) constituer [case] ; construire [argument, essay].
    put up:
    put up
    1 ( stay) to put up at sb's se faire héberger par qn ; to put up in a hotel descendre à l'hôtel ;
    2 to put up with ( tolerate) supporter [behaviour, person] ; to have a lot to put up with avoir beaucoup de choses à supporter ;
    put up [sth] opposer [resistance] ; to put up a fight/struggle combattre ; to put up a good performance [team, competitor] bien se défendre ;
    put [sth] up, put up [sth]
    1 ( raise) hisser [flag, sail] ; relever [hair] ; to put up one's hand/leg lever la main/la jambe ; put your hands up! ( in class) levez le doigt! ; put 'em up ! ( to fight) bats-toi! ; ( to surrender) haut les mains! ;
    2 ( post up) mettre [sign, poster, notice, plaque, decorations] ; afficher [list] ; to put sth up on the wall/on the board afficher qch sur le mur/au tableau ;
    3 (build, erect) dresser [fence, barrier, tent] ; construire [building, memorial] ;
    4 (increase, raise) augmenter [rent, prices, tax] ; faire monter [temperature, pressure] ;
    5 ( provide) fournir [money, amount, percentage] (for pour ; to do pour faire) ;
    6 ( present) soumettre [proposal, argument] ; to put sth up for discussion soumettre qch à la discussion ;
    7 ( put in orbit) placer [qch] en orbite [satellite, probe] ;
    put [sb] up, put up [sb]
    1 ( lodge) héberger ;
    2 ( as candidate) présenter [candidate] ; to put sb up for proposer qn comme [leader, chairman] ; proposer qn pour [promotion, position] ; to put oneself up for se proposer comme [chairman] ; se proposer pour [post] ;
    3 ( promote) faire passer [qn] au niveau supérieur [pupil] ; to be put up [pupil, team] monter (to dans) ;
    4 ( incite) to put sb up to sth/to doing pousser [qn] à/à faire ; somebody must have put her up to it quelqu'un a dû l'y pousser.
    put upon:
    put upon [sb] abuser de [person] ; to be put upon se faire marcher sur les pieds ; to feel put upon avoir l'impression de se faire marcher sur les pieds ; I won't be put upon any more je ne me ferai plus jamais avoir .

    Big English-French dictionary > put

  • 18 put a Bill through Parliament

    put a Bill through Parliament

    English-Dutch dictionary > put a Bill through Parliament

  • 19 put a bill before parliament

    English-Dutch dictionary > put a bill before parliament

  • 20 put

    n. kogelwerpen
    v. plaatsen, leggen, zetten; stoppen; stellen; merken
    sport stoot worp van kogel
    → putt putt/
    stay put blijven waar je bent, op zijn plaats blijven
    put, put
    scheepvaart varenstevenen, koers zetten
    → putt putt/
    1   the ship put into the port het schip voer/stevende de haven binnen
    his sickness put paid to his plans zijn ziekte maakte een eind aan zijn plannen
         voornamelijk Brits-Engelsput (up)on someone iemand last/ongemak bezorgen
    → put about put about/, put back put back/, put down put down/, put in put in/, put out put out/, put over put over/, put to put to/, put up put up/
    zettenplaatsen, leggen, steken, stellen ook figuurlijk; brengen in een toestand
    onderwerpen aandwingen, drijven
    (op)leggen heffen belastingen
    werpenstoten, jagen
    uitdrukkenzeggen, stellen
    vertalenoverbrengen, omzetten
    geldwezen leveren aanzeggen aandelen
    10  → putt putt/
    1   put much effort in(to) something veel moeite aan iets besteden
         put an end to (one's life) een eind maken (aan zijn leven)
         put a/one's finger to one's lips de vinger voor de lippen/mond leggen als aanmaning tot zwijgen
         informeelhe couldn't put one foot before/in front of the other hij kon geen voet verzetten
         put one's hand on something de hand leggen op iets
         put an idea/thought into someone's head iemand op een idee brengen
         put a knife between someone's ribs iemand een mes tussen de ribben steken
         put a match to something iets aansteken/in brand steken
         put money in(to) something geld steken in iets
         put pen to paper pen op papier zetten
         put pressure (up)on pressie uitoefenen op
         put a price on something een prijskaartje hangen aan
         put one's signature to something zijn handtekening plaatsen onder iets
         put someone on the train iemand op de trein zetten
         put a stop to something een eind maken aan iets
         put one's trust in zijn vertrouwen stellen in
         the death of his son put years on him de dood van zijn zoon heeft hem ouder gemaakt
         put oneself into something zich geheel/zijn beste krachten aan iets geven
         put safety above cost veiligheid boven kosten stellen
         put someone across the river iemand overzetten
         put something before something else iets prefereren/stellen boven iets anders
         put behind bars achter de tralies zetten
         put something behind oneself zich over iets heen zetten, met iets breken
         put in order in orde brengen
         put in an awkward position in een moeilijk parket brengen
         put something in(to) someone's hands iemand iets in handen geven voornamelijk figuurlijk
         put in(to) touch with in contact brengen met
         put into circulation in omloop brengen
         put into effect ten uitvoer brengen
         put into power aan de macht brengen
         put someone off his food iemand de eetlust benemen
         put someone off his game iemand van zijn spel afleiden
         put someone off learning iemand de zin om te leren ontnemen
         put someone off smoking iemand van het roken afbrengen
         put someone on antibiotics iemand antibiotica voorschrijven
         put someone on his guard iemand waarschuwen
         put on the right track op het goede spoor brengen
         legerput out of action buiten gevecht stellen
         put out of business failliet doen gaan, ruïneren
         put someone out of temper iemand uit zijn humeur brengen
         put a Bill through Parliament een wetsvoorstel door het parlement krijgen
         put one's children through university zijn kinderen universitaire studies laten voltooien
         put the children to bed de kinderen naar bed brengen
         put to death ter dood brengen
         put a poem to music een gedicht op muziek zetten
         put the children to school de kinderen op school doen
         put one's son to a trade voor zijn zoon een beroep vinden
         put oneself/someone to work zich/iemand aan het werk zetten
         put to good use goed gebruik maken van
         put £100 towards the cost £100 in de kosten bijdragen
    2   put someone through a severe test iemand aan een zware test onderwerpen
         informeelput someone through it iemand een zware test afnemen/zwaar op de proef stellen
         put to flight/rout op de vlucht drijven
         put someone to (great) inconvenience iemand (veel) ongerief bezorgen
         put someone to trouble iemand last/ongemak bezorgen
    3   put taxes on belastingen leggen op
         put £1,000,000 on the taxes de belastingen met £1.000.000 verhogen
    4   put money on geld zetten/wedden op; figuurlijk zeker zijn van
    5   put a bullet through someone's head iemand een kogel door het hoofd jagen
         atletiekput the shot kogelstoten
    6   put the situation to someone iemand de situatie uitleggen
         put a proposal before/to a meeting een vergadering een voorstel voorleggen
         put someone onto someone iemand aan iemand voorstellen/bij iemand introduceren
    7   put a question to someone iemand een vraag stellen
         how shall I put it? hoe zal ik het zeggen
         to put it bluntly om het (maar) ronduit/cru te zeggen
    8   put a text into another language een tekst in een andere taal vertalen
    informeelput it there! geef me de vijf! ten teken van akkoord
         be hard put (to it) to do something iets nauwelijks aankunnen, het erg moeilijk hebben om iets te doen
         put under verdoven, onder narcose brengen
         put it/one/something across someone het iemand flikken, iemand beetnemen
         informeelnot put it past someone to do something iemand ertoe in staat achten iets te doen
         I put it to him that he was wrong ik hield het hem voor dat hij het verkeerd had
         put oneself to it to do something zich ertoe zetten iets te doen
    → put about put about/, put across put across/, put ahead put ahead/, put aside put aside/, put away put away/, put back put back/, put behind put behind/, put by put by/, put down put down/, put forth put forth/, put forward put forward/, put in put in/, put off put off/, put on put on/, put out put out/, put over put over/, put through put through/, put to put to/, put together put together/, put up put up/

    English-Dutch dictionary > put

См. также в других словарях:

  • put it on the bill — charge a purchase, charge it, run a tab    When I buy something at the grocery store, I put it on the bill …   English idioms

  • Bill — may refer to: Objects * Billboard (advertising), a board on which to display advertising posters or displays * Billhook, a long handled saw (sometimes weapon) with a curved blade * BILL Anti tank guided weapon, a Swedish anti tank weapon * BILL 2 …   Wikipedia

  • bill — noun 1 showing money owed for goods/services ADJECTIVE ▪ big, hefty, high, huge, large, massive ▪ outstanding, unpaid ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • put on — I verb 1. put clothing on one s body (Freq. 18) What should I wear today? He put on his best suit for the wedding The princess donned a long blue dress The queen assumed the stately robes He got into his jeans …   Useful english dictionary

  • bill n — 1) Birds are grouchy in the morning because their bills are over dew. 2) A duck walked in the store and bought some lipstick. When he was ready to pay he said, Put it on my bill. see picture …   English expressions

  • put — [ put ] (past tense and past participle put) verb transitive *** ▸ 1 move something to position ▸ 2 cause to be in situation ▸ 3 write/print something ▸ 4 make someone go to place ▸ 5 give position on list ▸ 6 build/place somewhere ▸ 7 express in …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Bill Myrick — was born in 1920 in Simpson County, Mississippi to James Myrick and his wife Allie Parker, tenant farmers who moved their family that would later total 10 children to West Carroll Parish, Louisiana where they soon bought their own farm shortly… …   Wikipedia

  • bill — [n1] account of charges; money owed bad news*, check, chit, damage*, debt, invoice, IOU, itemized account, knock*, note, reckoning, request for payment, score, statement, statement of indebtedness, tab; concepts 329,332 bill [n2] list; circular… …   New thesaurus

  • Bill Watts — Watts (right) with Bruno Sammartino and Adrian Street in 2005. Ring name(s) Bill Watts Born May 5, 1939 …   Wikipedia

  • Bill Carlisle — (born December 19, 1908 Wakefield, Kentucky died March 17, 2003) was an American country singer, songwriter and guitarist.BiographyWilliam Toliver Carlisle performed in the 1920s, with his older brother Cliff Carlisle, at radio stations WLAP in… …   Wikipedia

  • Bill Polian — is the President of the Indianapolis Colts NFL team. He rose to league prominence as the General Manager of the Buffalo Bills, building a team that participated in four straight Super Bowls. Following his stint in Buffalo, Polian went on to… …   Wikipedia

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